llvm / circt

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[ESI] Add target-attached include directory for cosim targets #7233

Open mortbopet opened 4 days ago

mortbopet commented 4 days ago

Currently, cosim targets rely on on a global include_directories call to be able to find include files: https://github.com/llvm/circt/blob/88eeb265f479ab9cd7800d9859dd623f4d90c891/lib/Dialect/ESI/runtime/cosim/CMakeLists.txt#L56

This makes it difficult for out-of-tree project, which may rely on linking against e.g. EsiCosimGRPC, to pick up the includes.

Possible fixes would be to either set that include directory directly on the EsiCosimGRPC library, or adding a new intermediate (non-gRPC) library which has the include directory set on it.

teqdruid commented 12 hours ago

7241 solves this problem.