llvm / circt

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[FIRRTL] InferResets FullReset (formerly FART) errors due to "different" reset domains when the reset value is identical #7611

Open jackkoenig opened 16 hours ago

jackkoenig commented 16 hours ago

This is related to https://github.com/llvm/circt/issues/4886 in that this is sort of a special case. Fixing #4886 would fix this issue so long as infer-resets is followed by dedup (as it currently is)

Consider the following:

FIRRTL version 4.0.0
; CHECK-LABEL: module test(
circuit top :%[[
  module child :
    input clock : Clock
    input in : UInt<8>
    output out : UInt<8>

    reg r : UInt<8>, clock
    connect r, in
    connect out, r

  module parent_1 :
    input clock : Clock
    input reset : AsyncReset
    input in : UInt<8>
    output out : UInt<8>

    inst c of child
    connect c.clock, clock
    connect c.in, in
    connect out, c.out

  module parent_2 :
    input clock : Clock
    input reset : AsyncReset
    input in : UInt<8>
    output out : UInt<8>

    inst c of child
    connect c.clock, clock
    connect c.in, in
    connect out, c.out

  public module top :
    input clock : Clock
    input reset1 : AsyncReset
    input reset2 : AsyncReset
    input in : UInt<8>
    output out : UInt<8>

    inst p1 of parent_1
    connect p1.clock, clock
    connect p1.reset, reset1
    connect p1.in, in

    inst p2 of parent_2
    connect p2.clock, clock
    connect p2.reset, reset2
    connect p2.in, in

    connect out, and(p1.out, p2.out)

We have 2 full reset domains, but they are identical (same port name and type). This currently errors with:

test.fir:15:3: error: module 'child' instantiated in different reset domains
  module child :
test.fir:15:3: note: see current operation: 
"firrtl.module"() ({
^bb0(%arg0: !firrtl.clock, %arg1: !firrtl.uint<8>, %arg2: !firrtl.uint<8>):
  %0 = "firrtl.reg"(%arg0) {annotations = [], name = "r", nameKind = #firrtl<name_kind droppable_name>} : (!firrtl.clock) -> !firrtl.uint<8>                                                                       
  "firrtl.matchingconnect"(%0, %arg1) : (!firrtl.uint<8>, !firrtl.uint<8>) -> ()
  "firrtl.matchingconnect"(%arg2, %0) : (!firrtl.uint<8>, !firrtl.uint<8>) -> ()
}) {annotations = [], convention = #firrtl<convention internal>, layers = [], portAnnotations = [[], [], []], portDirections = array<i1: false, false, true>, portLocations = [loc("test.fir":16:11), loc("test.fir":17:11), loc("test.fir":18:12)], portNames = ["clock", "in", "out"], portSyms = [], portTypes = [!firrtl.clock, !firrtl.uint<8>, !firrtl.uint<8>], sym_name = "child", sym_visibility = "private"} : () -> ()      
test.fir:30:5: note: instance 'p1/c' is in reset domain rooted at 'reset' of module 'parent_1'
    inst c of child
test.fir:26:11: note: reset domain 'reset' of module 'parent_1' declared here:
    input reset : AsyncReset
test.fir:41:5: note: instance 'p2/c' is in reset domain rooted at 'reset' of module 'parent_2'
    inst c of child
test.fir:37:11: note: reset domain 'reset' of module 'parent_2' declared here:
    input reset : AsyncReset

But this doesn't need to error, it could notice that the change required by each domain is the same.

seldridge commented 15 hours ago

As written, the circuit is illegal because it is saying that the register should be connected to two different ports. I don't think that duplicating to resolve this is correct.

There's a path that could fix this with the following changes:

  1. The annotation would need to be converted to an intrinsic statement.
  2. The Full Reset part of InferResets would need to be broken out into a pass that runs after DedupModules.
FIRRTL version 4.0.0
; CHECK-LABEL: module test(
circuit top :
  module child :
    input clock : Clock
    input in : UInt<8>
    output out : UInt<8>

    reg r : UInt<8>, clock
    connect r, in
    connect out, r

  module parent_1 :
    input clock : Clock
    input reset : AsyncReset
    input in : UInt<8>
    output out : UInt<8>

    intrinsic(<circt.fullreset>, reset)

    inst c of child
    connect c.clock, clock
    connect c.in, in
    connect out, c.out

  module parent_2 :
    input clock : Clock
    input reset : AsyncReset
    input in : UInt<8>
    output out : UInt<8>

    intrinsic(<circt.fullreset>, reset)

    inst c of child
    connect c.clock, clock
    connect c.in, in
    connect out, c.out

  public module top :
    input clock : Clock
    input reset1 : AsyncReset
    input reset2 : AsyncReset
    input in : UInt<8>
    output out : UInt<8>

    inst p1 of parent_1
    connect p1.clock, clock
    connect p1.reset, reset1
    connect p1.in, in

    inst p2 of parent_2
    connect p2.clock, clock
    connect p2.reset, reset2
    connect p2.in, in

    connect out, and(p1.out, p2.out)