llvm / clangir

A new (MLIR based) high-level IR for clang.
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Initial support for OpenACC #286

Open bcardosolopes opened 9 months ago

bcardosolopes commented 9 months ago

Implement one first simple pragma!

bcardosolopes commented 9 months ago

Not sure how much this related or is similar to #285, tracking separately for now!

dkolsen-pgi commented 9 months ago

I believe that there are currently no OpenACC nodes in the AST. The existing OpenACC parsing lowers to OpenMP very early, so OpenACC pragmas result in OpenMP AST nodes. Erich Keane is working on redoing the OpenACC parsing in Clang, which will involve creating OpenACC AST nodes. This issue should wait until that effort is further along. But OpenACC processing is high on the priority list for NVIDIA, so I will likely handle this issue as soon as the time is right.

eZWALT commented 6 months ago

@dkolsen-pgi are you currently working on this open issue? I just found it and i wanted to give it a try on the next month if that's not the case, thank you!

dkolsen-pgi commented 6 months ago

I am not working on this, because Clang doesn't have proper OpenACC support yet. It is not time yet to start working on this issue. My teammate Erich Keane is currently working on OpenACC support in the Clang front end. We can't really start on ClangIR support for OpenACC until Erich is done (or at least further along than he currently is).