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[X86] Non-optimal codegen for bool to float conversions with `select i1 %0, float 1.0, float 0.0` #107034

Open soooch opened 2 weeks ago

soooch commented 2 weeks ago

rust src: https://godbolt.org/z/3jjdq1ex1 c src: https://godbolt.org/z/q847cx4G3

Given the following Rust source:

pub fn ifelse(x: bool) -> f32 {
    if x { 1. } else { 0. }

We end up with the following before x86 inst selection:

define noundef float @ifelse(i1 noundef zeroext %x) unnamed_addr {
  %. = select i1 %x, float 1.000000e+00, float 0.000000e+00
  ret float %.

And eventually the following x86 codegen:

        .long   0x3f800000
        test    edi, edi
        jne     .LBB1_1
        xorps   xmm0, xmm0
        movss   xmm0, dword ptr [rip + .LCPI1_0]

Ideally we'd probably like to see this converted to:

define noundef float @cast(i1 noundef zeroext %x) unnamed_addr {
  %_0 = uitofp i1 %x to float
  ret float %_0

On x86, this would give us:

        cvtsi2ss        xmm0, edi

On the integer side, InstCombinePass is able to transform select i1 %x, i32 1, i32 0 to zext i1 %x to i32. That seems like a somewhat similar operation, but I'm not very familiar with LLVM.

llvmbot commented 2 weeks ago


Author: Suchir Kavi (soooch)

https://godbolt.org/z/3jjdq1ex1 Given the following Rust source: ```Rust #[no_mangle] pub fn ifelse(x: bool) -> f32 { if x { 1. } else { 0. } } ``` We end up with the following before x86 inst selection: ```llvm define noundef float @ifelse(i1 noundef zeroext %x) unnamed_addr { start: %. = select i1 %x, float 1.000000e+00, float 0.000000e+00 ret float %. } ``` And eventually the following x86 codegen: ```asm .LCPI1_0: .long 0x3f800000 ifelse: test edi, edi jne .LBB1_1 xorps xmm0, xmm0 ret .LBB1_1: movss xmm0, dword ptr [rip + .LCPI1_0] ret ``` Ideally we'd probably like to see this converted to: ```llvm define noundef float @cast(i1 noundef zeroext %x) unnamed_addr { start: %_0 = uitofp i1 %x to float ret float %_0 } ``` On x86, this would give us: ```asm cast: cvtsi2ss xmm0, edi ret ``` On the integer side, `InstCombinePass` is able to transform `select i1 %x, i32 1, i32 0` to `zext i1 %x to i32`. That seems like a somewhat similar operation, but I'm not very familiar with LLVM.
soooch commented 2 weeks ago

Not sure how to change the label, but it should probably be missed-optimization

DianQK commented 2 weeks ago

alive2: https://alive2.llvm.org/ce/z/3Y7Q-u

llvmbot commented 2 weeks ago


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llvmbot commented 2 weeks ago


Author: Suchir Kavi (soooch)

rust src: https://godbolt.org/z/3jjdq1ex1 c src: https://godbolt.org/z/q847cx4G3 Given the following Rust source: ```Rust #[no_mangle] pub fn ifelse(x: bool) -> f32 { if x { 1. } else { 0. } } ``` We end up with the following before x86 inst selection: ```llvm define noundef float @ifelse(i1 noundef zeroext %x) unnamed_addr { start: %. = select i1 %x, float 1.000000e+00, float 0.000000e+00 ret float %. } ``` And eventually the following x86 codegen: ```asm .LCPI1_0: .long 0x3f800000 ifelse: test edi, edi jne .LBB1_1 xorps xmm0, xmm0 ret .LBB1_1: movss xmm0, dword ptr [rip + .LCPI1_0] ret ``` Ideally we'd probably like to see this converted to: ```llvm define noundef float @cast(i1 noundef zeroext %x) unnamed_addr { start: %_0 = uitofp i1 %x to float ret float %_0 } ``` On x86, this would give us: ```asm cast: cvtsi2ss xmm0, edi ret ``` On the integer side, `InstCombinePass` is able to transform `select i1 %x, i32 1, i32 0` to `zext i1 %x to i32`. That seems like a somewhat similar operation, but I'm not very familiar with LLVM.
soooch commented 2 weeks ago

I'm interested in trying this out if no one else is already planning on it.

Would appreciate an example of a good, similar PR if anyone has one off hand.

soooch commented 2 weeks ago

found where the "select c 1 0 -> zext c" transform is being done for ints: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/3bc38fb27a12f785d8e78b8d00cbd277464ace92/llvm/lib/Transforms/InstCombine/InstCombineSelect.cpp#L3683

seems it's just inlined in the top level function. assume it's probably best to break the logic out before adding to it?

phoebewang commented 2 weeks ago

Not sure if all target can benefit from it (e.g. no native FP support). If you just want to change for X86, I think you may do it in combineSelectOfTwoConstants.

RKSimon commented 2 weeks ago


I'd definitely recommend this is done in the DAG and not the middle end. Best to start with x86 and we can consider generalizing it in the future.

llvmbot commented 2 weeks ago


Author: Suchir Kavi (soooch)

rust src: https://godbolt.org/z/3jjdq1ex1 c src: https://godbolt.org/z/q847cx4G3 Given the following Rust source: ```Rust #[no_mangle] pub fn ifelse(x: bool) -> f32 { if x { 1. } else { 0. } } ``` We end up with the following before x86 inst selection: ```llvm define noundef float @ifelse(i1 noundef zeroext %x) unnamed_addr { start: %. = select i1 %x, float 1.000000e+00, float 0.000000e+00 ret float %. } ``` And eventually the following x86 codegen: ```asm .LCPI1_0: .long 0x3f800000 ifelse: test edi, edi jne .LBB1_1 xorps xmm0, xmm0 ret .LBB1_1: movss xmm0, dword ptr [rip + .LCPI1_0] ret ``` Ideally we'd probably like to see this converted to: ```llvm define noundef float @cast(i1 noundef zeroext %x) unnamed_addr { start: %_0 = uitofp i1 %x to float ret float %_0 } ``` On x86, this would give us: ```asm cast: cvtsi2ss xmm0, edi ret ``` On the integer side, `InstCombinePass` is able to transform `select i1 %x, i32 1, i32 0` to `zext i1 %x to i32`. That seems like a somewhat similar operation, but I'm not very familiar with LLVM.