$ clang-tidy -checks=-*,llvm-header-guard test.cpp -header-filter=.*
a.hpp:1:1: warning: header is missing header guard [llvm-header-guard]
#pragma once
I think this check may give one inaccurate note here. Is it necessary to make changes to this situation? I want some suggestion about revising llvm-header-guard. Do not report this bug or give another note? I am willing to fix this. @PiotrZSL Thanks for your suggestion!
#pragma once
int i = 0;
#include "a.hpp"
$ clang-tidy -checks=-*,llvm-header-guard test.cpp -header-filter=.*
a.hpp:1:1: warning: header is missing header guard [llvm-header-guard]
#pragma once
I think this check may give one inaccurate note here. Is it necessary to make changes to this situation? I want some suggestion about revising ```llvm-header-guard```. Do not report this bug or give another note?
I think this check may give one inaccurate note here. Is it necessary to make changes to this situation? I want some suggestion about revising
. Do not report this bug or give another note? I am willing to fix this. @PiotrZSL Thanks for your suggestion!