An invalid form of a type was being generated in the DXIL IR for the StructuredBuffer type. This form was causing 'opt' to fail with a syntax error while parsing the IR.
An invalid form of a type was being generated in the DXIL IR for the StructuredBuffer type. This form was causing 'opt' to fail with a syntax error while parsing the IR.
Shader compiled with -T cs_6_6
struct mystruct
float4 Color;
StructuredBuffer<mystruct> my_buffer : register(t2, space4);
export float4 test()
return my_buffer[0].Color;
void main() {}
See `%"class.hlsl::StructuredBuffer" = type { target("dx.RawBuffer", %struct.mystruct = type { <4 x float> }, 0, 0), %struct.mystruct }`
Type section for IR
%"class.hlsl::StructuredBuffer" = type { target("dx.RawBuffer", %struct.mystruct = type { <4 x float> }, 0, 0), %struct.mystruct }
%struct.mystruct = type { <4 x float> }
%dx.types.Handle = type { ptr }
%dx.types.ResBind = type { i32, i32, i32, i8 }
%dx.types.ResourceProperties = type { i32, i32 }
The part "%struct.mystruct = type" is causing the parsing error.
An invalid form of a type was being generated in the DXIL IR for the StructuredBuffer type. This form was causing 'opt' to fail with a syntax error while parsing the IR.
Shader compiled with -T cs_6_6
%"class.hlsl::StructuredBuffer" = type { target("dx.RawBuffer", %struct.mystruct = type { <4 x float> }, 0, 0), %struct.mystruct }
Type section for IR
The part "%struct.mystruct = type" is causing the parsing error.
I believe the expected form is: