Open 54aefcd4-c07d-4252-8441-723563c8826f opened 8 years ago
The recent PVS Studio check of the llvm/clang source found a LOT of these "check a pointer after dereferencing" cases - getting even basic detection for this into the clang tools would be very useful.
int testnull(int p); int testnull(int p) { int value = *p; return p ? value : 0; }
i think such a check can be could implement cppcoreguidelines gsl::not_null<T*>
semantics. Every pointer, that is not checked before dereferencing should be declared as not_null
Redundant checks are then easily spottable.
What do you think about that +Daniel Posch, would you implement this?
It is still open, so feel free to implement it :)
Im looking to find a project for GSoC and found this on their website as a good project to do for the summer. Is it still available and if so would you like someone to have this project as their job this summer?
Arturo Campos declared to work on it, so I temporarily assign myself to it (until Arturo will have access to bugzilla)
We cannot add a path-sensitive analyzer check for this because the check requires checking a property over all paths, but the analyzer does not guarantee that it will cover all paths.
This can be implemented as a flow-sensitive analysis on top of clang's CFG. An example of another data-flow analysis is LiveVariables.
This could be a compiler warning. There is no reason to restrict the check to clang-tidy users only.
If I remember corectly
int a = foo(); a = 42; if (!a) { something }
will be found with DeadCode checker
but I guess it won't gonna find your case.
Doesn't Static Analyzer core.NullDereference do this?
Extended Description
I think that a function-scope check that warns on null pointer tests after dereferencing would be very useful.
For example, in the following snippet:
int* foo(); void baz();
void bar() { int* a = foo(); a[0] = 2; if(a) baz(); }
a is used before the test that check if its a null pointer:
In both cases, there is always something suspicious going on and either clang or clang-tidy should warn about it (clang would be preferable).
Note, in real examples, the dereference of a before the nullpointer check can happened behind a macro, or inside an intermediate function.
A good place to start would be to restrict such checks to a function scope first, which should catch issues inside macros, but omit following every function call that can access the pointer in the analysis.
If desired, doing that can be done a posteriory, but even if it is found that a function validates the pointer, then a second validation after it becomes unnecessary, so the check should still warn about it.