Open JVApen opened 5 years ago
NtCurrentTeb seems to exercise UB:
__forceinline struct _TEB * NtCurrentTeb ( VOID )
{ return (struct _TEB *)__readgsqword(FIELD_OFFSET(NT_TIB, Self)); }
I think this is working as intended from clang's perspective. There may be some way to disable ubsan on this file with -fsanitize-blacklist.
Seems to be fixed in Windows Kit 10.0.22000.0 by:
#ifdef __has_builtin
#if __has_builtin(__builtin_offsetof)
#define FIELD_OFFSET(type, field) ((LONG)__builtin_offsetof(type, field))
From what I can see in clang doesn't provide this built-in
Extended Description
UBSan seems to fail when calling NtCurrentTeb. As I don't have enough knowledge of implementation, I can't tell is this is a result of clang not initializing some information correctly OR something strange in the MSVC implementation.
// C:\DevStudio\LLVM_7_0_0\bin\clang-cl.exe /EHsc /std:c++17 -fcolor-diagnostics -ferror-limit=1 -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize-recover=all m.cpp
int main(int, char *) { std::cout << static_cast<void>(NtCurrentTeb()) << std::endl; return 0; }