Open llvmbot opened 15 years ago
It's about me updating the clang-analyzer website. I still plan on doing this.
Ping, what is this bug about?
any progress on this?
Couple of thoughts:
I think the idea of newbie help is terrific. The tool really is easy to run and configuration/installation problems are frustrating and lose users.
The instructions can be simplified because altering the path isn't strictly necessary. In fact, the output directory isn't either. Here's a simple one-liner for running the checker on an XCode project after CD'ing into your project directory:
$ xcodebuild clean; ~/Documents/checker-0.189/scan-build -k -V
Running xcodebuild clean ensures that fresh output is produced each time you run it.
export PATH=~/Documents/checker-0.189/:$PATH
to .bash_profile. The problem with the line as written in the bug report is that repeating the command will add unnecessary copies of the line to .bash_profile.
This is great! I'll look into adding it to the website soon. Thanks Chad!
Ted, this is all you :)
assigned to @tkremenek
Extended Description
When trying to use Clang on a project built for the iPhone (on Mac OS X) I found that the instructions didn't provide the correct result. Instead I created alternate instructions which I have attached below. Feel free to use this to update your documentation for people building for the iPhone.
DOWNLOADING Step 1: Download the Mac OS X version of clang from this website:
Step 2: Double click on the download to unarchive it.
INSTALLING Step 3: Place the checker-xxx directory where you want to install Clang. For this example I'll place it in the Documents directory which would be ~/Documents. The folder name is checker-0.189 in my example.
Step 4: Open Terminal and add Clang to your path by typing: echo 'export PATH=~/Documents/checker-0.189/:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile
Replace ~/Documents and checker-0.189 as appropriate.
Step 5: Close the current terminal window or open a new terminal window. This must be done for the changes in the path to take effect.
RUNNING Step 6: At this point you may need to set the code signing identity of the project you want to scan. This must be setup correctly or Clang will not be able to build your project correctly. In XCode you can set the code signing identity to yourself by going to "Project->Edit Project Settings" in XCode and then under the build tab finding "Code Signing Identity" and selecting yourself. This is the same step which is necessary to build on the device. Note that Clang will often try and build the release version of the application so be sure the "Code Signing Identity" is also set correctly for the Release "Configuration" you can select your "Configuration" by using the "Configuration" pop-up menu.
Step 7: In the "Edit Project Settings" window above under the build tab you should also set the Base SDK to Simulator-iPhone OS 2.2.1. This will allow Clang to better analyze the project. You should not be building for the device here or you will see warnings on the terminal that the arm processor is not recognized by Clang and it can't find the appropriate version of GCC.
Step 7: In Terminal Navigate to the directory where the project you want to test is located. Make sure you are in the directory with the project. In my example the iCS folder is located on the desktop so I type: cd ~/Desktop/iCS
Step 8: Once we are in the proper directory where the xcode project file is located we can run the scan-build program which launches Clang. It keys off of the current path in terminal and builds the files/project within that directory. You should not specify a project name. Though you can specify and output directory using the -o option as I do below. Once run successfully Clang will create a series of HTML files in the output directory you specified. In my example I type:
scan-build -V -o ~/Desktop/ClangOutput xcodebuild
After the program finishes it automatically launches a web browser displaying the Clang results.
NOTES Each time you run Clang will build the project and during the building finds the errors it reports. If you run Clang twice in a row the second time it will generate no output because no files need to be built. If you want Clang to retest the entire project you will need to make a change that makes Clang rebuild the entire project. One example would be to modify the iCS_Prefix.pch file by adding some whitespace.