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[AArch64] missed ld/st fusion optimization #49325

Open fa778132-f3d5-4559-b45d-fa683057d467 opened 3 years ago

fa778132-f3d5-4559-b45d-fa683057d467 commented 3 years ago
Bugzilla Link 49981
Version 11.0
OS All
Attachments Reduced testcase, one.ispc reduced test
CC @Arnaud-de-Grandmaison-ARM,@dbabokin,@DMG862,@efriedma-quic,@fhahn,@sebpop,@smithp35

Extended Description

On Arm64 LLVM produces too many loads that could be fused.

The following llvm-ir comes from a reduced test from https://github.com/ispc/ispc/issues/2052 The bug contains a larger test for matrix multiply in ispc that needs to be fixed as well.

+ /home/ubuntu/ispc/bld1/bin/ispc -O2 --target=neon one.ispc -o - --emit-llvm-text --cpu=cortex-a57

; ModuleID = 'one.ispc'
source_filename = "one.ispc"
target datalayout = "e-m:e-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i64:64-i128:128-n32:64-S128"
target triple = "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu"

%v4_uniform_FVector4 = type { <4 x float> }
%v4_uniform_FMatrix = type { <16 x float> }

; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readonly
define %v4_uniform_FVector4 @&#8203;VectorTransformVector2___REFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_REFs_5B__c_unFMatrix_5D_(%v4_uniform_FVector4* noalias nocapture readonly %VecP, %v4_uniform_FMatrix* noalias nocapture readonly %Matrix, <4 x i32> %__mask) local_unnamed_addr #&#8203;0 {
  %Matrix_load_bitcast = bitcast %v4_uniform_FMatrix* %Matrix to %v4_uniform_FVector4*
  %0 = bitcast %v4_uniform_FVector4* %VecP to i32*
  %VecP_load3_offset_load55 = load i32, i32* %0, align 4
  %1 = insertelement <4 x i32> undef, i32 %VecP_load3_offset_load55, i32 0
  %2 = shufflevector <4 x i32> %1, <4 x i32> undef, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
  %FVec.i.i.sroa.0.12.vec.insert = bitcast <4 x i32> %2 to <4 x float>
  %3 = bitcast %v4_uniform_FMatrix* %Matrix to <4 x float>*
  %A_load_bitcast_load.unpack.i.i.i = load <4 x float>, <4 x float>* %3, align 16, !alias.scope !&#8203;3, !noalias !&#8203;10
  %mul_S0_load_S1_load.i.i.i = fmul <4 x float> %A_load_bitcast_load.unpack.i.i.i, %FVec.i.i.sroa.0.12.vec.insert
  %VecP_load910_offset = getelementptr %v4_uniform_FVector4, %v4_uniform_FVector4* %VecP, i64 0, i32 0, i64 1
  %VecP_load910_offset_load = load float, float* %VecP_load910_offset, align 4
  %4 = getelementptr %v4_uniform_FVector4, %v4_uniform_FVector4* %Matrix_load_bitcast, i64 1, i32 0
  %A_load_bitcast_load.unpack.i49 = load <4 x float>, <4 x float>* %4, align 16, !alias.scope !&#8203;12, !noalias !&#8203;15
  %S1_load_broadcast.i51 = insertelement <4 x float> undef, float %VecP_load910_offset_load, i32 0
  %S1_load_broadcast8.i52 = shufflevector <4 x float> %S1_load_broadcast.i51, <4 x float> undef, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
  %mul_S0_load_S1_load_broadcast8.i53 = fmul <4 x float> %A_load_bitcast_load.unpack.i49, %S1_load_broadcast8.i52
  %add_mul_S0_load_S1_load_broadcast8_S2_load.i54 = fadd <4 x float> %mul_S0_load_S1_load.i.i.i, %mul_S0_load_S1_load_broadcast8.i53
  %VecP_load1718_offset = getelementptr %v4_uniform_FVector4, %v4_uniform_FVector4* %VecP, i64 0, i32 0, i64 2
  %VecP_load1718_offset_load = load float, float* %VecP_load1718_offset, align 4
  %5 = getelementptr %v4_uniform_FVector4, %v4_uniform_FVector4* %Matrix_load_bitcast, i64 2, i32 0
  %A_load_bitcast_load.unpack.i43 = load <4 x float>, <4 x float>* %5, align 16, !alias.scope !&#8203;17, !noalias !&#8203;20
  %S1_load_broadcast.i45 = insertelement <4 x float> undef, float %VecP_load1718_offset_load, i32 0
  %S1_load_broadcast8.i46 = shufflevector <4 x float> %S1_load_broadcast.i45, <4 x float> undef, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
  %mul_S0_load_S1_load_broadcast8.i47 = fmul <4 x float> %A_load_bitcast_load.unpack.i43, %S1_load_broadcast8.i46
  %add_mul_S0_load_S1_load_broadcast8_S2_load.i48 = fadd <4 x float> %add_mul_S0_load_S1_load_broadcast8_S2_load.i54, %mul_S0_load_S1_load_broadcast8.i47
  %VecP_load2526_offset = getelementptr %v4_uniform_FVector4, %v4_uniform_FVector4* %VecP, i64 0, i32 0, i64 3
  %VecP_load2526_offset_load = load float, float* %VecP_load2526_offset, align 4
  %6 = getelementptr %v4_uniform_FVector4, %v4_uniform_FVector4* %Matrix_load_bitcast, i64 3, i32 0
  %A_load_bitcast_load.unpack.i = load <4 x float>, <4 x float>* %6, align 16, !alias.scope !&#8203;22, !noalias !&#8203;25
  %S1_load_broadcast.i = insertelement <4 x float> undef, float %VecP_load2526_offset_load, i32 0
  %S1_load_broadcast8.i = shufflevector <4 x float> %S1_load_broadcast.i, <4 x float> undef, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
  %mul_S0_load_S1_load_broadcast8.i = fmul <4 x float> %A_load_bitcast_load.unpack.i, %S1_load_broadcast8.i
  %add_mul_S0_load_S1_load_broadcast8_S2_load.i = fadd <4 x float> %add_mul_S0_load_S1_load_broadcast8_S2_load.i48, %mul_S0_load_S1_load_broadcast8.i
  %oldret = insertvalue %v4_uniform_FVector4 undef, <4 x float> %add_mul_S0_load_S1_load_broadcast8_S2_load.i, 0
  ret %v4_uniform_FVector4 %oldret

attributes #&#8203;0 = { norecurse nounwind readonly "target-cpu"="cortex-a57" "target-features"="+neon" }

!llvm.ident = !{#0}
!llvm.module.flags = !{#1, !&#8203;2}

!&#8203;0 = !{!"clang version 11.0.0 (https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git 176249bd6732a8044d457092ed932768724a6f06)"}
!&#8203;1 = !{i32 1, !"wchar_size", i32 4}
!&#8203;2 = !{i32 7, !"PIC Level", i32 2}
!&#8203;3 = !{#4, !&#8203;6, !&#8203;8}
!&#8203;4 = distinct !{#4, !&#8203;5, !"operator*___REFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_REFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_: %A"}
!&#8203;5 = distinct !{#5, !"operator*___REFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_REFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_"}
!&#8203;6 = distinct !{#6, !&#8203;7, !"operator*___REFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_Cunf: %A"}
!&#8203;7 = distinct !{#7, !"operator*___REFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_Cunf"}
!&#8203;8 = distinct !{#8, !&#8203;9, !"VectorMultiply___REFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_Cunf: %A"}
!&#8203;9 = distinct !{#9, !"VectorMultiply___REFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_Cunf"}
!&#8203;10 = !{#11}
!&#8203;11 = distinct !{#11, !&#8203;5, !"operator*___REFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_REFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_: %B"}
!&#8203;12 = !{#13}
!&#8203;13 = distinct !{#13, !&#8203;14, !"VectorMultiplyAdd___REFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_CunfREFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_: %A"}
!&#8203;14 = distinct !{#14, !"VectorMultiplyAdd___REFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_CunfREFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_"}
!&#8203;15 = !{#16}
!&#8203;16 = distinct !{#16, !&#8203;14, !"VectorMultiplyAdd___REFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_CunfREFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_: %C"}
!&#8203;17 = !{#18}
!&#8203;18 = distinct !{#18, !&#8203;19, !"VectorMultiplyAdd___REFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_CunfREFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_: %A"}
!&#8203;19 = distinct !{#19, !"VectorMultiplyAdd___REFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_CunfREFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_"}
!&#8203;20 = !{#21}
!&#8203;21 = distinct !{#21, !&#8203;19, !"VectorMultiplyAdd___REFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_CunfREFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_: %C"}
!&#8203;22 = !{#23}
!&#8203;23 = distinct !{#23, !&#8203;24, !"VectorMultiplyAdd___REFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_CunfREFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_: %A"}
!&#8203;24 = distinct !{#24, !"VectorMultiplyAdd___REFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_CunfREFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_"}
!&#8203;25 = !{#26}
!&#8203;26 = distinct !{#26, !&#8203;24, !"VectorMultiplyAdd___REFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_CunfREFs_5B__c_unFVector4_5D_: %C"}

When compiling this llvm-IR with LLVM-11 we get the following code:

+ /home/ubuntu/ispc/bld1/bin/ispc -O2 --target=neon one.ispc -o - --emit-asm --cpu=cortex-a57
// %bb.0:                               // %allocas
        mov     x8, x0
        ld1r    { v1.4s }, [x8], #&#8203;4
        ldp     q2, q3, [x1, #&#8203;16]
        ldr     s0, [x8]
        fmul    v0.4s, v2.4s, v0.s[0]
        ldr     q2, [x1]
        fmla    v0.4s, v2.4s, v1.4s
        ldr     q4, [x1, #&#8203;48]
        ldp     s1, s2, [x0, #&#8203;8]
        fmla    v0.4s, v3.4s, v1.s[0]
        fmla    v0.4s, v4.4s, v2.s[0]

Load/store optimization does not seem to catch the pattern. https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/main/llvm/lib/Target/AArch64/AArch64LoadStoreOptimizer.cpp

+ llc-11 --aarch64-enable-ldst-opt -O2 one.ll -o -
[ same number of loads ]

The expected output (hand optimized) is:

        ld1     { v1.4s, v2.4s, v3.4s, v4.4s }, [x1]
        ldr     q5, [x0]
        fmul    v0.4s, v1.4s, v5.s[0]
        fmla    v0.4s, v2.4s, v5.s[1]
        fmla    v0.4s, v3.4s, v5.s[2]
        fmla    v0.4s, v4.4s, v5.s[3]
efriedma-quic commented 3 years ago

The big missed optimization here is essentially SLP vectorization: we want to take the four scalar loads, and turn them into a vector load, so we can take advantage of the special fmla encoding.

Not sure why we're forming the ld1r for exactly one of the loads.

The other bit which Florian pointed out is that we're missing one ldr+ldr->ldp fusion because the load/store optimizer is greedy. In practice, I'm not sure this is actually much of a performance loss, but it looks ugly.

fhahn commented 3 years ago

One of the current limitation of the load-store optimizer for AArch64 is that it fuses loads/stores eagerly, sometimes preventing further opportunities.

aneshlya commented 1 year ago

With trunk version of LLVM, the code generation for this case slightly improved. However, the load/store optimization still doesn't appear to be applied.

        ldp     q2, q3, [x1, #16]
        ldp     s1, s0, [x0]
        ldr     q4, [x1, #48]
        fmul.4s v0, v2, v0[0]
        ldr     q2, [x1]
        fmla.4s v0, v2, v1[0]
        ldp     s1, s2, [x0, #8]
        fmla.4s v0, v3, v1[0]
        fmla.4s v0, v4, v2[0]


Is there any possibility that this issue will be addressed in upcoming releases?