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possible illegal asm from AArch64 + global isel #60369

Open regehr opened 1 year ago

regehr commented 1 year ago

this function

define signext i64 @f() {
  %mask = trunc i63 -272678883688449 to i6
  %mask1 = sext i6 %mask to i63
  %1 = lshr i63 -3179364354444895371, %mask1
  %2 = trunc i63 %1 to i9
  %_sext = sext i9 %2 to i32
  %_zext = zext i32 %_sext to i64
  ret i64 %_zext

gives the following output using Global Isel:

$ llc foo.ll -o - -global-isel -global-isel-abort=0 -march=aarch64
    .file   "foo.ll"
    .globl  f                               // -- Begin function f
    .p2align    2
    .type   f,@function
f:                                      // @f
// %bb.0:
    mov x8, #56181
    movk    x8, #61893, lsl #16
    movk    x8, #41206, lsl #32
    movk    x8, #21472, lsl #48
    sbfiz   x8, x8, #-9223372036854775743, #-9223372036854775800
    and x0, x8, #0xffffffff
    .size   f, .Lfunc_end0-f
                                        // -- End function
    .section    ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits

but then this can't be parsed back:

$ llvm-mc foo.s --arch=aarch64
    .file   "foo.ll"
    .globl  f
    .p2align    2
    .type   f,@function
    mov x8, #56181
    movk    x8, #61893, lsl #16
    movk    x8, #41206, lsl #32
    movk    x8, #21472, lsl #48
foo.s:13:16: error: expected integer in range [0, 31]
        sbfiz   x8, x8, #-9223372036854775743, #-9223372036854775800
    and x0, x8, #0xffffffff
    .size   f, .Lfunc_end0-f
    .section    ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits

I'm not sure which side has the bug, but it seems like one side or the other should be fixed.

llvmbot commented 1 year ago


DavidSpickett commented 1 year ago

This instruction is C6.2.267 SBFIZ in the ARMARM document.

I think this is first an issue with the assembler output. If you compile to an object then disassemble it, Arm Compiler's fromelf, gnu objdump and llvm-objdump agree it's not what the assembler printed it as.

$ ./bin/fromelf -c /tmp/test.o
        0x00000010:    937f1d08    ....    SBFIZ    x8,x8,#1,#8
$ ./bin/llvm-objdump -d /tmp/test.o
      10: 937f1d08      sbfiz   x8, x8, #1, #8
$ objdump -d /tmp/test.o
  10:   937f1d08        sbfiz   x8, x8, #1, #8

My guess is that the assembler is outputting them as some form of signed number, despite the fields not accepting negative values.

This instruction is an alias of sbfm.

Applies when sf == 1 && N == 1.
SBFIZ <Xd>, <Xn>, #<lsb>, #<width>
 is equivalent to
SBFM <Xd>, <Xn>, #(-<lsb> MOD 64), #(<width>-1)
and is the preferred disassembly when UInt(imms) < UInt(immr).

So we have immr=0b111111 and imms=0b000111. #1 is the result of immr being 63, negated and mod 64 resulting in 1. #8 is the result of imms of 7 plus 1 being 8.

Second issue is that the validation of the immediate values is not correct for 64 bit.

$ ./bin/llvm-mc --arch=aarch64 <<< "sbfiz x8, x8, #63, #1"
        sbfiz   x8, x8, #63, #1
$ ./bin/llvm-mc --arch=aarch64 <<< "sbfiz x8, x8, #64, #1"
<stdin>:1:15: error: expected integer in range [0, 31]
sbfiz x8, x8, #64, #1

For the 64 bit variant (x registers) this field can be 0 to 63. So the check itself is correct, but the resulting error message is talking about the 32 bit variant (w registers). The w variant gets both right.

$ ./bin/llvm-mc --arch=aarch64 <<< "sbfiz w8, w8, #31, #1"
        sbfiz   w8, w8, #31, #1
$ ./bin/llvm-mc --arch=aarch64 <<< "sbfiz w8, w8, #32, #1"
<stdin>:1:15: error: expected integer in range [0, 31]
sbfiz w8, w8, #32, #1

Same thing with the second immediate. It should be 1-32 for 32 bit and 1-64 for the 64 bit variant.

$ ./bin/llvm-mc --arch=aarch64 <<< "sbfiz w8, w8, #8, #0"
<stdin>:1:19: error: expected integer in range [1, 32]
sbfiz w8, w8, #8, #0
$ ./bin/llvm-mc --arch=aarch64 <<< "sbfiz x8, x8, #8, #0"
<stdin>:1:19: error: expected integer in range [1, 32]
sbfiz x8, x8, #8, #0

There is a further restriction between the two values, to check that you wouldn't overflow the register. That error is correct for both variants.

$ ./bin/llvm-mc --arch=aarch64 <<< "sbfiz w8, w8, #8, #24"
        sbfiz   w8, w8, #8, #24
$ ./bin/llvm-mc --arch=aarch64 <<< "sbfiz w8, w8, #8, #25"
<stdin>:1:19: error: requested insert overflows register
sbfiz w8, w8, #8, #25
$ ./bin/llvm-mc --arch=aarch64 <<< "sbfiz x8, x8, #8, #55"
        sbfiz   x8, x8, #8, #55
$ ./bin/llvm-mc --arch=aarch64 <<< "sbfiz x8, x8, #8, #56"
        sbfiz   x8, x8, #8, #56
$ ./bin/llvm-mc --arch=aarch64 <<< "sbfiz x8, x8, #8, #57"
<stdin>:1:19: error: requested insert overflows register
sbfiz x8, x8, #8, #57

All this may be due to this instruction being one of many preferred aliases of sbfm. Perhaps some of those do accept negative values, and we may have forgotten to customise the error message when we changed the check for 32 vs 64 bit variants.