The last line in the following code is not formatted under certain conditions:
typedef struct {
struct {
int y1;
struct {
int z1, z2;
} y2;
} x;
} S;
S s = { .x = { 0, { 0, 0, }, }, };
I was looking for output similar to this (typedef omitted):
S s = {
.x = {
Adding designated initializers for all relevant fields only creates more visual noise, and removing all designated initializers results in the expected formatting aside from the lack of designated initializers.
I have narrowed the issue down to the following style options (pseudocode) in all currently predefined styles:
if (!ColumnLimit) {
// formatted
} else if (!Cpp11BracedListStyle) {
// not formatted
} else if (BreakBeforeBinaryOperators == "All") {
// not formatted
} else {
// formatted
The last line in the following code is not formatted under certain conditions:
I was looking for output similar to this (typedef omitted):
Adding designated initializers for all relevant fields only creates more visual noise, and removing all designated initializers results in the expected formatting aside from the lack of designated initializers.
I have narrowed the issue down to the following style options (pseudocode) in all currently predefined styles: