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clang-format. SeparateDefinitionBlocks inserts spaces after attribute like macro #69591

Open yrHeTaTeJlb opened 9 months ago

yrHeTaTeJlb commented 9 months ago

My previous issue was closed with an incorrect resolution.

The problem is that SeparateDefinitionBlocks: Always treats attribute-like macro incorrectly. USTRUCT(), UCLASS(), UPROPERTY() and UENUM() are not definitions, and clang format should not insert an emty line after them.

$ cat .clang-format
SeparateDefinitionBlocks: Always
BreakBeforeBraces: Allman


$ cat test.cpp
enum class EEnum
struct FStruct
    int baz = 0;
    int quux(){}
class FClass
    void foo(){}
    void bar(){}


$ clang-format.exe --version
clang-format version 17.0.1 (git://code.qt.io/clang/llvm-project.git 1eee682c1df3ce22d1c53c36f9c44cb4bf3df615)


$ clang-format.exe test.cpp
enum class EEnum

struct FStruct
  int baz = 0;

  int quux() {}

class FClass
  void foo() {}

  void bar() {}


$ cat expected.cpp
enum class EEnum

struct FStruct
  int baz = 0;

  int quux() {}

class FClass
  void foo() {}

  void bar() {}

MaxEmptyLinesToKeep has nothing to do there. I neither want my code to get squashed into a single block, nor to align everything manually.

HazardyKnusperkeks commented 9 months ago

First you need to declare them as AttributeMacros:

clang-format --style="{SeparateDefinitionBlocks: Always, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AttributeMacros: [USTRUCT, UENUM, UCLASS, UPROPERTY, UFUNCTION]}" test.cpp 

UENUM() enum class EEnum {

USTRUCT() struct FStruct
  UPROPERTY() int baz = 0;

  UFUNCTION() int quux() {}

UCLASS() class FClass
  void foo() {}

  void bar() {}

Now you most likely want a line break there? That is a feature request, and not a bug report against a existing feature.

yrHeTaTeJlb commented 9 months ago

Well, if AttributeMacros makes clang-format to treat defined values as attributes, then half of my problem is solved. The second half is to make BreakAfterAttributes: Always also respect this setting. I'm not sure if that would be a bug or feature request.

$ clang-format --style="{BreakAfterAttributes: Always, SeparateDefinitionBlocks: Always, BreakBeforeBraces: Allman, AttributeMacros: [USTRUCT, UENUM, UCLASS, UPROPERTY, UFUNCTION]}" test.cpp
enum class EEnum {

USTRUCT() struct FStruct
  UPROPERTY() int baz = 0;

  UFUNCTION() int quux() {}

UCLASS() class FClass
  void foo() {}

  void bar() {}

Apart from that, UENUM() is left intact in my case for some reason

HazardyKnusperkeks commented 9 months ago

The problem is, your attribute has parenthesis. If you look at the documentation of BreakAfterAttributes it clearly states C++11 attributes, which yours aren't and never have parenthesis (outside of [[ ]]).

So I'd say it's a feature request. Or you could go with Macros: USTRUCT()=[[some_attribute]], that also should work.

yrHeTaTeJlb commented 9 months ago

I'm not sure if Unreal Engine build system will be happy about such tricks. And in general adding hundreds of hacks is a tedious job.

As I mentioned in my previous issue, this syntax is not my invention, this is a canonical UE code, I believe I'm not alone who would make use of such feature. It'd be cool to have it

HazardyKnusperkeks commented 9 months ago

I'm not sure if Unreal Engine build system will be happy about such tricks. And in general adding hundreds of hacks is a tedious job.

Nothing would land in the build system, just the .clang-format file. Which you have to edit anyway, even if a feature request would be posted and implemented.

As I mentioned in my previous issue, this syntax is not my invention, this is a canonical UE code, I believe I'm not alone who would make use of such feature. It'd be cool to have it

No doubt about it.

yrHeTaTeJlb commented 9 months ago

Nothing would land in the build system, just the .clang-format file

Oh, now I see. Didn't get it from the first time. This actually looks as a decent workaround. Thanks!

Leroy231 commented 5 months ago

Not sure I understand the workaround. I have following in my .clang-format yet I still get an empty line after UCLASS:

BreakAfterAttributes: Always
- USTRUCT()=[[some_attribute]]
- UCLASS()=[[some_attribute]]
SeparateDefinitionBlocks: Always

I also tried it with BreakAfterAttributes: Never but got the same thing.

pid011 commented 2 weeks ago

It seems like it's too late to respond, but how about trying it this way?

ColumnLimit: 0
SeparateDefinitionBlocks: Always
  - 'UCLASS'
  - 'UENUM'

I don't know the reason, but set to ColumnLimit: 0 seems to work well regardless of the BreakAfterAttributes value.