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RecursiveASTVisitor skips the TypeAsWritten of ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl #90586

Open smcpeak opened 2 months ago

smcpeak commented 2 months ago

ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl inherits ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl, which, for an explicit specialization, contains the TypeAsWritten pointer to a TypeSourceInfo (inside ExplicitSpecializationInfo).

When RecursiveASTVisitor traverses a non-partial ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl, it traverses TypeAsWritten. Excerpt of RecursiveASTVisitor.h:

  DEF_TRAVERSE_DECL(TMPLDECLKIND##TemplateSpecializationDecl, {                \
    /* For implicit instantiations ("set<int> x;"), we don't want to           \
       recurse at all, since the instatiated template isn't written in         \
       the source code anywhere.  (Note the instatiated *type* --              \
       set<int> -- is written, and will still get a callback of                \
       TemplateSpecializationType).  For explicit instantiations               \
       ("template set<int>;"), we do need a callback, since this               \
       is the only callback that's made for this instantiation.                \
       We use getTypeAsWritten() to distinguish. */                            \
    if (TypeSourceInfo *TSI = D->getTypeAsWritten())                           \
      TRY_TO(TraverseTypeLoc(TSI->getTypeLoc()));                              \

However, when it traverses a ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl, the TypeAsWritten is not traversed. Instead, it traverses the template arguments that are logically part of the TypeAsWritten, but not TypeAsWritten itself:

  DEF_TRAVERSE_DECL(TMPLDECLKIND##TemplatePartialSpecializationDecl, {         \
    /* The partial specialization. */                                          \
    if (TemplateParameterList *TPL = D->getTemplateParameters()) {             \
      for (TemplateParameterList::iterator I = TPL->begin(), E = TPL->end();   \
           I != E; ++I) {                                                      \
        TRY_TO(TraverseDecl(*I));                                              \
      }                                                                        \
    }                                                                          \
    /* The args that remains unspecialized. */                                 \
    TRY_TO(TraverseTemplateArgumentLocsHelper(                                 \
        D->getTemplateArgsAsWritten()->getTemplateArgs(),                      \
        D->getTemplateArgsAsWritten()->NumTemplateArgs));                      \
    /* Don't need the *TemplatePartialSpecializationHelper, even               \
       though that's our parent class -- we already visit all the              \
       template args here. */                                                  \
    TRY_TO(Traverse##DECLKIND##Helper(D));                                     \
    /* Instantiations will have been visited with the primary template. */     \

In ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl, ArgsAsWritten is a separate field from TypeAsWritten, even though the former is logically a part of the latter. There is also a relevant FIXME comment:

class ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl
  : public ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl {
  /// The list of template parameters
  TemplateParameterList* TemplateParams = nullptr;

  /// The source info for the template arguments as written.
  /// FIXME: redundant with TypeAsWritten?
  const ASTTemplateArgumentListInfo *ArgsAsWritten = nullptr;

Since TypeAsWritten is part of ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl, and is traversed for a non-partial ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl, I think RecursiveASTVisitor should also traverse it for partial specializations.

Fixing this could be tricky though, since merely traversing TypeAsWritten in addition to ArgsAsWritten would entail traversing the arguments twice. Ideally, ArgsAsWritten would be removed and TypeAsWritten used instead to get the arguments, although I do not know what other consequences that might have. Less ambitiously, RecursiveASTVisitor could be changed to traverse TypeAsWritten instead of ArgsAsWritten.

Below is a complete program demonstrating the problem by printing the Decl and TypeLoc nodes traversed by RecursiveASTVisitor, along with the TypeAsWritten for class template specializations for comparison:

// rav-misses-ctpsd-typeloc.cc
// Demonstrate RAV failing to visit the TypeLoc in
// ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl.

// clang
#include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h"                 // clang::RecursiveASTVisitor
#include "clang/Frontend/ASTUnit.h"                        // clang::ASTUnit
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"               // clang::CompilerInstance
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h"             // clang::CompilerInvocation
#include "clang/Frontend/Utils.h"                          // clang::createInvocation
#include "clang/Serialization/PCHContainerOperations.h"    // clang::PCHContainerOperations

// libc++
#include <iostream>                                        // std::ostream
#include <sstream>                                         // std::ostringstream
#include <string>                                          // std::string

using clang::dyn_cast;

// Use RAV to print AST nodes.
class RAVPrinterVisitor : public clang::RecursiveASTVisitor<RAVPrinterVisitor> {
public:      // types
  // Name of the base class visitor, to make it easier to call its
  // methods from the same-named methods when overridden.
  typedef clang::RecursiveASTVisitor<RAVPrinterVisitor> BaseClass;

public:      // data
  // AST context.
  clang::ASTContext &m_astContext;

  // Number of levels of indentation to print.
  int m_indentLevel;

  // Stream to print to.
  std::ostream &m_os;

public:      // methods
  RAVPrinterVisitor(std::ostream &os, clang::ASTContext &astContext)
    : BaseClass(),

  // Indentation string corresponding to 'm_indentLevel'.
  std::string indentString() const;

  // Render 'loc' as a string.
  std::string locStr(clang::SourceLocation loc) const;

  // RecursiveASTVisitor customization.  Get everything RAV can.
  bool shouldVisitTemplateInstantiations() const { return true; }
  bool shouldVisitImplicitCode() const { return true; }

  // RecursiveASTVisitor methods.
  bool TraverseDecl(clang::Decl *decl);
  bool TraverseTypeLoc(clang::TypeLoc TL);

std::string RAVPrinterVisitor::indentString() const
  std::ostringstream oss;
  for (int i=0; i < m_indentLevel; ++i) {
    oss << "  ";
  return oss.str();

std::string RAVPrinterVisitor::locStr(clang::SourceLocation loc) const
  return loc.printToString(m_astContext.getSourceManager());

bool RAVPrinterVisitor::TraverseDecl(clang::Decl *decl)
  if (!decl) {
    return true;

  m_os << indentString()
       << decl->getDeclKindName() << "Decl at "
       << locStr(decl->getBeginLoc()) << "\n";

  bool ret = BaseClass::TraverseDecl(decl);

  // For both full and partial specializations, print the type as
  // written, for comparison with what was found via RAV above.
  if (auto ctsd = dyn_cast<clang::ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl>(decl)) {
    m_os << "---- BEGIN expected TypeAsWritten ----\n";
    if (auto tsi = ctsd->getTypeAsWritten()) {
    else {
      m_os << "(none)\n";
    m_os << "---- END expected TypeAsWritten ----\n";


  return ret;

bool RAVPrinterVisitor::TraverseTypeLoc(clang::TypeLoc typeLoc)
  m_os << indentString()
       << "TypeLoc(" << typeLoc.getTypePtr()->getTypeClassName() << ")"
       << " at " << locStr(typeLoc.getBeginLoc()) << "\n";

  bool ret = BaseClass::TraverseTypeLoc(typeLoc);

  return ret;

void ravPrinterVisitorTU(std::ostream &os,
                         clang::ASTContext &astContext)
  RAVPrinterVisitor rpv(os, astContext);

// This is boilerplate up to running the visitor.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  std::vector<char const *> commandLine;
  commandLine.push_back(CLANG_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR "/bin/clang");
  for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {

  std::shared_ptr<clang::CompilerInvocation> compilerInvocation(
  if (!compilerInvocation) {
    return 2;

  std::shared_ptr<clang::PCHContainerOperations> pchContainerOps(
    new clang::PCHContainerOperations());
  clang::DiagnosticOptions *diagnosticOptions =
  clang::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<clang::DiagnosticsEngine> diagnosticsEngine(
      diagnosticOptions /*callee takes refcount ownership*/));

  std::unique_ptr<clang::ASTUnit> ast(
  if (ast == nullptr || diagnosticsEngine->getNumErrors() > 0) {
    return 2;

  ravPrinterVisitorTU(std::cout, ast->getASTContext());

  return 0;

// EOF


# rav-misses-ctpsd-typeloc/Makefile

# --------------------------- Configuration ----------------------------
# Set to 1 if I am using a build from source, 0 for a binary
# distribution.

ifeq ($(USE_SOURCE_BUILD),1)
  # Trying my own build.
  CLANG_LLVM_SRC_DIR = $(HOME)/bld/llvm-project-18.1.4

  # Installation directory from a binary distribution.
  # Has five subdirectories: bin include lib libexec share.
  CLANG_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR = $(HOME)/opt/clang+llvm-16.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-18.04


# Let the user override my defaults.
-include pre-config.mk

# --------------------- llvm-config query results ----------------------
# Program to query the various LLVM configuration options.

# C++ compiler options to ensure ABI compatibility.
LLVM_CXXFLAGS := $(shell $(LLVM_CONFIG) --cxxflags)

# Directory containing the clang library files, both static and dynamic.
LLVM_LIBDIR := $(shell $(LLVM_CONFIG) --libdir)

# Other flags needed for linking, whether statically or dynamically.
LLVM_LDFLAGS_AND_SYSTEM_LIBS := $(shell $(LLVM_CONFIG) --ldflags --system-libs)

# -------------------------- Compiler options --------------------------
# C++ compiler.

# Compiler options, including preprocessor options.
CXXFLAGS += -Werror

ifeq ($(USE_SOURCE_BUILD),1)
  # When using my own build, I need to separately point at clang includes.
  CXXFLAGS += -I$(CLANG_LLVM_SRC_DIR)/clang/include
  CXXFLAGS += -I$(CLANG_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR)/tools/clang/include

# Tell the source code where the clang installation directory is.

# Switch to enable creation of .d files.

# Linker options.

# Pull in clang+llvm via libclang-cpp.so, which has everything, but is
# only available as a dynamic library.
LDFLAGS += -lclang-cpp

# Arrange for the compiled binary to search the libdir for that library.
# Otherwise, one can set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH envvar before running it.
# Note: the -rpath switch does not work on Windows.
LDFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath=$(LLVM_LIBDIR)

# It appears that llvm::raw_os_ostream::~raw_os_ostream is missing from
# libclang-cpp, so I have to link with LLVMSupport statically.
LDFLAGS += -lLLVMSupport

# Get the needed -L search path, plus things like -ldl.

# Optional custom modifications.
-include config.mk

# ------------------------------ Recipes -------------------------------
# Default target.
.PHONY: all

# Pull in automatic dependencies.
-include $(wildcard *.d)

# Compile a C++ source file.
%.o: %.cc
    $(CXX) -c -o $@ $(GENDEPS_FLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $<

OBJS += rav-misses-ctpsd-typeloc.o

# Executable.
all: rav-misses-ctpsd-typeloc.exe
rav-misses-ctpsd-typeloc.exe: $(OBJS)
    $(CXX) -g -Wall -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LDFLAGS)

# ---------------------------- 'run' target ----------------------------
.PHONY: run
run: rav-misses-ctpsd-typeloc.exe
    ./rav-misses-ctpsd-typeloc.exe test.cc

# --------------------------- 'clean' target ---------------------------
.PHONY: clean
    $(RM) *.o *.d *.exe
    $(RM) -r out


Test input:

// test.cc
// Input for rav-misses-ctpsd-typeloc.exe.

template <typename T>
struct S;

// ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl, for which the TypeAsWritten
// is not printed by RAV.
template <typename U>
struct S<U*>;
//     ^^^^^ TypeAsWritten

// ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl, for which the TypeAsWritten *is*
// printed by RAV.
template <>
struct S<int>;
//     ^^^^^^ TypeAsWritten

// EOF

Annotated example run:

$ make run
./rav-misses-ctpsd-typeloc.exe test.cc
TranslationUnitDecl at <invalid loc>
  TypedefDecl at <invalid loc>
    TypeLoc(Builtin) at <invalid loc>
  TypedefDecl at <invalid loc>
    TypeLoc(Builtin) at <invalid loc>
  TypedefDecl at <invalid loc>
    TypeLoc(Record) at <invalid loc>
  TypedefDecl at <invalid loc>
    TypeLoc(Pointer) at <invalid loc>
      TypeLoc(Builtin) at <invalid loc>
  TypedefDecl at <invalid loc>
    TypeLoc(ConstantArray) at <invalid loc>
      TypeLoc(Record) at <invalid loc>
  ClassTemplateDecl at test.cc:4:1
    TemplateTypeParmDecl at test.cc:4:11
    CXXRecordDecl at test.cc:5:1
  ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl at test.cc:9:1
    TemplateTypeParmDecl at test.cc:9:11
    TypeLoc(Pointer) at test.cc:10:10                 # actual (wrong)
      TypeLoc(TemplateTypeParm) at test.cc:10:10      # actual (wrong)
---- BEGIN expected TypeAsWritten ----
    TypeLoc(TemplateSpecialization) at test.cc:10:8   # expected
      TypeLoc(Pointer) at test.cc:10:10               # expected
        TypeLoc(TemplateTypeParm) at test.cc:10:10    # expected
---- END expected TypeAsWritten ----
  ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl at test.cc:15:1
    TypeLoc(TemplateSpecialization) at test.cc:16:8   # actual (right)
      TypeLoc(Builtin) at test.cc:16:10               # actual (right)
---- BEGIN expected TypeAsWritten ----
    TypeLoc(TemplateSpecialization) at test.cc:16:8   # expected
      TypeLoc(Builtin) at test.cc:16:10               # expected
---- END expected TypeAsWritten ----

I see the above behavior with clang-16.0.0 from a binary distribution and clang-18.1.4 built myself.

(I'm just reporting this, I don't intend to try to fix it myself.)

llvmbot commented 2 months ago


Author: Scott McPeak (smcpeak)

`ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl` inherits `ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl`, which, for an explicit specialization, contains the `TypeAsWritten` pointer to a `TypeSourceInfo` (inside `ExplicitSpecializationInfo`). When `RecursiveASTVisitor` traverses a non-partial `ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl`, it traverses `TypeAsWritten`. Excerpt of `RecursiveASTVisitor.h`: ```C++ #define DEF_TRAVERSE_TMPL_SPEC_DECL(TMPLDECLKIND, DECLKIND) \ DEF_TRAVERSE_DECL(TMPLDECLKIND##TemplateSpecializationDecl, { \ /* For implicit instantiations ("set<int> x;"), we don't want to \ recurse at all, since the instatiated template isn't written in \ the source code anywhere. (Note the instatiated *type* -- \ set<int> -- is written, and will still get a callback of \ TemplateSpecializationType). For explicit instantiations \ ("template set<int>;"), we do need a callback, since this \ is the only callback that's made for this instantiation. \ We use getTypeAsWritten() to distinguish. */ \ if (TypeSourceInfo *TSI = D->getTypeAsWritten()) \ TRY_TO(TraverseTypeLoc(TSI->getTypeLoc())); \ [...] ``` However, when it traverses a `ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl`, the `TypeAsWritten` is not traversed. Instead, it traverses the template arguments that are logically part of the `TypeAsWritten`, but not `TypeAsWritten` itself: ```C++ #define DEF_TRAVERSE_TMPL_PART_SPEC_DECL(TMPLDECLKIND, DECLKIND) \ DEF_TRAVERSE_DECL(TMPLDECLKIND##TemplatePartialSpecializationDecl, { \ /* The partial specialization. */ \ if (TemplateParameterList *TPL = D->getTemplateParameters()) { \ for (TemplateParameterList::iterator I = TPL->begin(), E = TPL->end(); \ I != E; ++I) { \ TRY_TO(TraverseDecl(*I)); \ } \ } \ /* The args that remains unspecialized. */ \ TRY_TO(TraverseTemplateArgumentLocsHelper( \ D->getTemplateArgsAsWritten()->getTemplateArgs(), \ D->getTemplateArgsAsWritten()->NumTemplateArgs)); \ \ /* Don't need the *TemplatePartialSpecializationHelper, even \ though that's our parent class -- we already visit all the \ template args here. */ \ TRY_TO(Traverse##DECLKIND##Helper(D)); \ \ /* Instantiations will have been visited with the primary template. */ \ }) ``` In `ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl`, `ArgsAsWritten` is a separate field from `TypeAsWritten`, even though the former is logically a part of the latter. There is also a relevant `FIXME` comment: ```C++ class ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl : public ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl { /// The list of template parameters TemplateParameterList* TemplateParams = nullptr; /// The source info for the template arguments as written. /// FIXME: redundant with TypeAsWritten? const ASTTemplateArgumentListInfo *ArgsAsWritten = nullptr; ``` Since `TypeAsWritten` is part of `ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl`, and is traversed for a non-partial `ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl`, I think `RecursiveASTVisitor` should also traverse it for partial specializations. Fixing this could be tricky though, since merely traversing `TypeAsWritten` in addition to `ArgsAsWritten` would entail traversing the arguments twice. Ideally, `ArgsAsWritten` would be removed and `TypeAsWritten` used instead to get the arguments, although I do not know what other consequences that might have. Less ambitiously, `RecursiveASTVisitor` could be changed to traverse `TypeAsWritten` instead of `ArgsAsWritten`. Below is a complete program demonstrating the problem by printing the `Decl` and `TypeLoc` nodes traversed by `RecursiveASTVisitor`, along with the `TypeAsWritten` for class template specializations for comparison: ```C++ // rav-misses-ctpsd-typeloc.cc // Demonstrate RAV failing to visit the TypeLoc in // ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl. // clang #include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h" // clang::RecursiveASTVisitor #include "clang/Frontend/ASTUnit.h" // clang::ASTUnit #include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h" // clang::CompilerInstance #include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h" // clang::CompilerInvocation #include "clang/Frontend/Utils.h" // clang::createInvocation #include "clang/Serialization/PCHContainerOperations.h" // clang::PCHContainerOperations // libc++ #include <iostream> // std::ostream #include <sstream> // std::ostringstream #include <string> // std::string using clang::dyn_cast; // Use RAV to print AST nodes. class RAVPrinterVisitor : public clang::RecursiveASTVisitor<RAVPrinterVisitor> { public: // types // Name of the base class visitor, to make it easier to call its // methods from the same-named methods when overridden. typedef clang::RecursiveASTVisitor<RAVPrinterVisitor> BaseClass; public: // data // AST context. clang::ASTContext &m_astContext; // Number of levels of indentation to print. int m_indentLevel; // Stream to print to. std::ostream &m_os; public: // methods RAVPrinterVisitor(std::ostream &os, clang::ASTContext &astContext) : BaseClass(), m_astContext(astContext), m_indentLevel(0), m_os(os) {} // Indentation string corresponding to 'm_indentLevel'. std::string indentString() const; // Render 'loc' as a string. std::string locStr(clang::SourceLocation loc) const; // RecursiveASTVisitor customization. Get everything RAV can. bool shouldVisitTemplateInstantiations() const { return true; } bool shouldVisitImplicitCode() const { return true; } // RecursiveASTVisitor methods. bool TraverseDecl(clang::Decl *decl); bool TraverseTypeLoc(clang::TypeLoc TL); }; std::string RAVPrinterVisitor::indentString() const { std::ostringstream oss; for (int i=0; i < m_indentLevel; ++i) { oss << " "; } return oss.str(); } std::string RAVPrinterVisitor::locStr(clang::SourceLocation loc) const { return loc.printToString(m_astContext.getSourceManager()); } bool RAVPrinterVisitor::TraverseDecl(clang::Decl *decl) { if (!decl) { return true; } m_os << indentString() << decl->getDeclKindName() << "Decl at " << locStr(decl->getBeginLoc()) << "\n"; ++m_indentLevel; bool ret = BaseClass::TraverseDecl(decl); // For both full and partial specializations, print the type as // written, for comparison with what was found via RAV above. if (auto ctsd = dyn_cast<clang::ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl>(decl)) { m_os << "---- BEGIN expected TypeAsWritten ----\n"; if (auto tsi = ctsd->getTypeAsWritten()) { TraverseTypeLoc(tsi->getTypeLoc()); } else { m_os << "(none)\n"; } m_os << "---- END expected TypeAsWritten ----\n"; } --m_indentLevel; return ret; } bool RAVPrinterVisitor::TraverseTypeLoc(clang::TypeLoc typeLoc) { m_os << indentString() << "TypeLoc(" << typeLoc.getTypePtr()->getTypeClassName() << ")" << " at " << locStr(typeLoc.getBeginLoc()) << "\n"; ++m_indentLevel; bool ret = BaseClass::TraverseTypeLoc(typeLoc); --m_indentLevel; return ret; } void ravPrinterVisitorTU(std::ostream &os, clang::ASTContext &astContext) { RAVPrinterVisitor rpv(os, astContext); rpv.TraverseAST(astContext); } // This is boilerplate up to running the visitor. int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::vector<char const *> commandLine; commandLine.push_back(CLANG_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR "/bin/clang"); for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { commandLine.push_back(argv[i]); } std::shared_ptr<clang::CompilerInvocation> compilerInvocation( clang::createInvocation(llvm::ArrayRef(commandLine))); if (!compilerInvocation) { return 2; } std::shared_ptr<clang::PCHContainerOperations> pchContainerOps( new clang::PCHContainerOperations()); clang::DiagnosticOptions *diagnosticOptions = &(compilerInvocation->getDiagnosticOpts()); clang::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<clang::DiagnosticsEngine> diagnosticsEngine( clang::CompilerInstance::createDiagnostics( diagnosticOptions /*callee takes refcount ownership*/)); std::unique_ptr<clang::ASTUnit> ast( clang::ASTUnit::LoadFromCompilerInvocationAction( compilerInvocation, pchContainerOps, diagnosticsEngine)); if (ast == nullptr || diagnosticsEngine->getNumErrors() > 0) { return 2; } ravPrinterVisitorTU(std::cout, ast->getASTContext()); return 0; } // EOF ``` `Makefile`: ```make # rav-misses-ctpsd-typeloc/Makefile # --------------------------- Configuration ---------------------------- # Set to 1 if I am using a build from source, 0 for a binary # distribution. USE_SOURCE_BUILD := 1 ifeq ($(USE_SOURCE_BUILD),1) # Trying my own build. CLANG_LLVM_SRC_DIR = $(HOME)/bld/llvm-project-18.1.4 CLANG_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR = $(CLANG_LLVM_SRC_DIR)/build else # Installation directory from a binary distribution. # Has five subdirectories: bin include lib libexec share. CLANG_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR = $(HOME)/opt/clang+llvm-16.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-18.04 endif # Let the user override my defaults. -include pre-config.mk # --------------------- llvm-config query results ---------------------- # Program to query the various LLVM configuration options. LLVM_CONFIG := $(CLANG_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR)/bin/llvm-config # C++ compiler options to ensure ABI compatibility. LLVM_CXXFLAGS := $(shell $(LLVM_CONFIG) --cxxflags) # Directory containing the clang library files, both static and dynamic. LLVM_LIBDIR := $(shell $(LLVM_CONFIG) --libdir) # Other flags needed for linking, whether statically or dynamically. LLVM_LDFLAGS_AND_SYSTEM_LIBS := $(shell $(LLVM_CONFIG) --ldflags --system-libs) # -------------------------- Compiler options -------------------------- # C++ compiler. CXX = $(CLANG_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR)/bin/clang++ # Compiler options, including preprocessor options. CXXFLAGS = CXXFLAGS += -Wall CXXFLAGS += -Werror CXXFLAGS += $(LLVM_CXXFLAGS) ifeq ($(USE_SOURCE_BUILD),1) # When using my own build, I need to separately point at clang includes. CXXFLAGS += -I$(CLANG_LLVM_SRC_DIR)/clang/include CXXFLAGS += -I$(CLANG_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR)/tools/clang/include endif # Tell the source code where the clang installation directory is. CXXFLAGS += -DCLANG_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR='"$(CLANG_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR)"' # Switch to enable creation of .d files. GENDEPS_FLAGS = -MMD # Linker options. LDFLAGS = # Pull in clang+llvm via libclang-cpp.so, which has everything, but is # only available as a dynamic library. LDFLAGS += -lclang-cpp # Arrange for the compiled binary to search the libdir for that library. # Otherwise, one can set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH envvar before running it. # Note: the -rpath switch does not work on Windows. LDFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath=$(LLVM_LIBDIR) # It appears that llvm::raw_os_ostream::~raw_os_ostream is missing from # libclang-cpp, so I have to link with LLVMSupport statically. LDFLAGS += -lLLVMSupport # Get the needed -L search path, plus things like -ldl. LDFLAGS += $(LLVM_LDFLAGS_AND_SYSTEM_LIBS) # Optional custom modifications. -include config.mk # ------------------------------ Recipes ------------------------------- # Default target. all: .PHONY: all # Pull in automatic dependencies. -include $(wildcard *.d) # Compile a C++ source file. %.o: %.cc $(CXX) -c -o $@ $(GENDEPS_FLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $< OBJS := OBJS += rav-misses-ctpsd-typeloc.o # Executable. all: rav-misses-ctpsd-typeloc.exe rav-misses-ctpsd-typeloc.exe: $(OBJS) $(CXX) -g -Wall -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) # ---------------------------- 'run' target ---------------------------- .PHONY: run run: rav-misses-ctpsd-typeloc.exe ./rav-misses-ctpsd-typeloc.exe test.cc # --------------------------- 'clean' target --------------------------- .PHONY: clean clean: $(RM) *.o *.d *.exe $(RM) -r out # EOF ``` Test input: ```C++ // test.cc // Input for rav-misses-ctpsd-typeloc.exe. template <typename T> struct S; // ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl, for which the TypeAsWritten // is not printed by RAV. template <typename U> struct S<U*>; // ^^^^^ TypeAsWritten // ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl, for which the TypeAsWritten *is* // printed by RAV. template <> struct S<int>; // ^^^^^^ TypeAsWritten // EOF ``` Annotated example run: ```plain-text $ make run ./rav-misses-ctpsd-typeloc.exe test.cc TranslationUnitDecl at <invalid loc> TypedefDecl at <invalid loc> TypeLoc(Builtin) at <invalid loc> TypedefDecl at <invalid loc> TypeLoc(Builtin) at <invalid loc> TypedefDecl at <invalid loc> TypeLoc(Record) at <invalid loc> TypedefDecl at <invalid loc> TypeLoc(Pointer) at <invalid loc> TypeLoc(Builtin) at <invalid loc> TypedefDecl at <invalid loc> TypeLoc(ConstantArray) at <invalid loc> TypeLoc(Record) at <invalid loc> ClassTemplateDecl at test.cc:4:1 TemplateTypeParmDecl at test.cc:4:11 CXXRecordDecl at test.cc:5:1 ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl at test.cc:9:1 TemplateTypeParmDecl at test.cc:9:11 TypeLoc(Pointer) at test.cc:10:10 # actual (wrong) TypeLoc(TemplateTypeParm) at test.cc:10:10 # actual (wrong) ---- BEGIN expected TypeAsWritten ---- TypeLoc(TemplateSpecialization) at test.cc:10:8 # expected TypeLoc(Pointer) at test.cc:10:10 # expected TypeLoc(TemplateTypeParm) at test.cc:10:10 # expected ---- END expected TypeAsWritten ---- ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl at test.cc:15:1 TypeLoc(TemplateSpecialization) at test.cc:16:8 # actual (right) TypeLoc(Builtin) at test.cc:16:10 # actual (right) ---- BEGIN expected TypeAsWritten ---- TypeLoc(TemplateSpecialization) at test.cc:16:8 # expected TypeLoc(Builtin) at test.cc:16:10 # expected ---- END expected TypeAsWritten ---- ``` I see the above behavior with clang-16.0.0 from a binary distribution and clang-18.1.4 built myself. (I'm just reporting this, I don't intend to try to fix it myself.)