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[arm/aarch64] Should LDP or LD4 be used to load multiple (vector) constants at once? #97945

Open Validark opened 2 months ago

Validark commented 2 months ago

Consider the following code:

const std = @import("std");

export fn foo(indices: @Vector(16, u8)) @Vector(16, u8) {
    const iota: [64]u8 = std.simd.iota(u8, 64); // counts from 0 to 63 inclusive
    return tbl4(iota[0..16].*, iota[16..32].*, iota[32..48].*, iota[48..64].*, indices);

fn tbl4(table_part_1: @Vector(16, u8), table_part_2: @Vector(16, u8), table_part_3: @Vector(16, u8), table_part_4: @Vector(16, u8), indices: @Vector(16, u8)) @TypeOf(indices) {
    return struct {
        extern fn @"llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl4"(@TypeOf(table_part_1), @TypeOf(table_part_2), @TypeOf(table_part_3), @TypeOf(table_part_4), @TypeOf(indices)) @TypeOf(indices);
    }.@"llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl4"(table_part_1, table_part_2, table_part_3, table_part_4, indices);

Here is the emit:

        .byte   48
        .byte   63
        .byte   32
        .byte   47
        .byte   16
        .byte   31
        .byte   0
        .byte   15
        adrp    x8, .LCPI0_0
        ldr     q4, [x8, :lo12:.LCPI0_0]
        adrp    x8, .LCPI0_1
        ldr     q3, [x8, :lo12:.LCPI0_1]
        adrp    x8, .LCPI0_2
        ldr     q2, [x8, :lo12:.LCPI0_2]
        adrp    x8, .LCPI0_3
        ldr     q1, [x8, :lo12:.LCPI0_3]
        tbl     v0.16b, { v1.16b, v2.16b, v3.16b, v4.16b }, v0.16b

I am not sure if this is correct aarch64 assembly, but couldn't we have instead done this?

        .byte   32
        .byte   63
        .byte   0
        .byte   31
        adrp    x8, .LCPI0_0
        ldp     q3, q4, [x8, :lo12:.LCPI0_0]
        adrp    x8, .LCPI0_1
        ldp     q1, q2, [x8, :lo12:.LCPI0_1]
        tbl     v0.16b, { v1.16b, v2.16b, v3.16b, v4.16b }, v0.16b

Or even this (if slightly higher latency is acceptable)?

        .byte   0
        .byte   16
        .byte   32
        .byte   48
        ... ; deinterlaced constants
        adrp    x8, .LCPI0_0
        ld4     { v1.16b, v2.16b, v3.16b, v4.16b }, [x8, :lo12:.LCPI0_0]
        tbl     v0.16b, { v1.16b, v2.16b, v3.16b, v4.16b }, v0.16b

(The particular constants used in this code is just for demonstration purposes. Obviously we could do better in this case, zeroing out numbers higher than 63, with a cmhi followed by a bic)


define dso_local <16 x i8> @foo(<16 x i8> %0) local_unnamed_addr {
  %1 = tail call <16 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl4.v16i8(<16 x i8> <i8 0, i8 1, i8 2, i8 3, i8 4, i8 5, i8 6, i8 7, i8 8, i8 9, i8 10, i8 11, i8 12, i8 13, i8 14, i8 15>, <16 x i8> <i8 16, i8 17, i8 18, i8 19, i8 20, i8 21, i8 22, i8 23, i8 24, i8 25, i8 26, i8 27, i8 28, i8 29, i8 30, i8 31>, <16 x i8> <i8 32, i8 33, i8 34, i8 35, i8 36, i8 37, i8 38, i8 39, i8 40, i8 41, i8 42, i8 43, i8 44, i8 45, i8 46, i8 47>, <16 x i8> <i8 48, i8 49, i8 50, i8 51, i8 52, i8 53, i8 54, i8 55, i8 56, i8 57, i8 58, i8 59, i8 60, i8 61, i8 62, i8 63>, <16 x i8> %0)
  ret <16 x i8> %1

declare void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata, metadata, metadata) #1
declare void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata, metadata, metadata) #1
declare <16 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl4.v16i8(<16 x i8>, <16 x i8>, <16 x i8>, <16 x i8>, <16 x i8>) #2

Godbolt link

llvmbot commented 2 months ago


Author: Niles Salter (Validark)

Consider the following code: ```zig const std = @import("std"); export fn foo(indices: @Vector(16, u8)) @Vector(16, u8) { const iota: [64]u8 = std.simd.iota(u8, 64); // counts from 0 to 63 inclusive return tbl4(iota[0..16].*, iota[16..32].*, iota[32..48].*, iota[48..64].*, indices); } fn tbl4(table_part_1: @Vector(16, u8), table_part_2: @Vector(16, u8), table_part_3: @Vector(16, u8), table_part_4: @Vector(16, u8), indices: @Vector(16, u8)) @TypeOf(indices) { return struct { extern fn @"llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl4"(@TypeOf(table_part_1), @TypeOf(table_part_2), @TypeOf(table_part_3), @TypeOf(table_part_4), @TypeOf(indices)) @TypeOf(indices); }.@"llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl4"(table_part_1, table_part_2, table_part_3, table_part_4, indices); } ``` Here is the emit: ```asm .LCPI0_0: .byte 48 ... .byte 63 .LCPI0_1: .byte 32 ... .byte 47 .LCPI0_2: .byte 16 ... .byte 31 .LCPI0_3: .byte 0 ... .byte 15 foo: adrp x8, .LCPI0_0 ldr q4, [x8, :lo12:.LCPI0_0] adrp x8, .LCPI0_1 ldr q3, [x8, :lo12:.LCPI0_1] adrp x8, .LCPI0_2 ldr q2, [x8, :lo12:.LCPI0_2] adrp x8, .LCPI0_3 ldr q1, [x8, :lo12:.LCPI0_3] tbl v0.16b, { v1.16b, v2.16b, v3.16b, v4.16b }, v0.16b ret ``` I am not sure if this is correct aarch64 assembly, but couldn't we have instead done this? ```asm .LCPI0_0: .byte 32 ... .byte 63 .LCPI0_1: .byte 0 ... .byte 31 foo: adrp x8, .LCPI0_0 ldp q3, q4, [x8, :lo12:.LCPI0_0] adrp x8, .LCPI0_1 ldp q1, q2, [x8, :lo12:.LCPI0_1] tbl v0.16b, { v1.16b, v2.16b, v3.16b, v4.16b }, v0.16b ret ``` Or even this (if slightly higher latency is acceptable)? ```asm .LCPI0_0: .byte 0 .byte 16 .byte 32 .byte 48 ... ; deinterlaced constants foo: adrp x8, .LCPI0_0 ld4 { v1.16b, v2.16b, v3.16b, v4.16b }, [x8, :lo12:.LCPI0_0] tbl v0.16b, { v1.16b, v2.16b, v3.16b, v4.16b }, v0.16b ret ``` (The particular constants used in this code is just for demonstration purposes. Obviously we could do better in this case, zeroing out numbers higher than 63, with a `cmhi` followed by a `bic`) LLVM IR: ```llvm define dso_local <16 x i8> @foo(<16 x i8> %0) local_unnamed_addr { Entry: %1 = tail call <16 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl4.v16i8(<16 x i8> <i8 0, i8 1, i8 2, i8 3, i8 4, i8 5, i8 6, i8 7, i8 8, i8 9, i8 10, i8 11, i8 12, i8 13, i8 14, i8 15>, <16 x i8> <i8 16, i8 17, i8 18, i8 19, i8 20, i8 21, i8 22, i8 23, i8 24, i8 25, i8 26, i8 27, i8 28, i8 29, i8 30, i8 31>, <16 x i8> <i8 32, i8 33, i8 34, i8 35, i8 36, i8 37, i8 38, i8 39, i8 40, i8 41, i8 42, i8 43, i8 44, i8 45, i8 46, i8 47>, <16 x i8> <i8 48, i8 49, i8 50, i8 51, i8 52, i8 53, i8 54, i8 55, i8 56, i8 57, i8 58, i8 59, i8 60, i8 61, i8 62, i8 63>, <16 x i8> %0) ret <16 x i8> %1 } declare void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata, metadata, metadata) #1 declare void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata, metadata, metadata) #1 declare <16 x i8> @llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl4.v16i8(<16 x i8>, <16 x i8>, <16 x i8>, <16 x i8>, <16 x i8>) #2 ``` [Godbolt link](https://godbolt.org/z/reWb6es59)
efriedma-quic commented 2 months ago

The tricky thing here is the potential codesize increase: if there's multiple bits of code that refer to a constant, what do we want to generate?

Otherwise there's not really anything preventing this sort of optimization.

davemgreen commented 2 months ago

ld4 can be relatively slow compared to the others, but using ldp at least would be nice.

Validark commented 1 month ago

The tricky thing here is the potential codesize increase: if there's multiple bits of code that refer to a constant, what do we want to generate?

Otherwise there's not really anything preventing this sort of optimization.

I suppose you should just collapse what you can, and if you can't collapse something super easily/opportunistically, then don't.