# Disable VirtualBox DNS proxy as it may cause issues.
# See https://github.com/docker/machine/pull/1069
v.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--natdnshostresolver1', 'off']
v.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--natdnsproxy1', 'off']
I ran into two use cases where it would be better to keep them on:
Moving from one LAN to another will break DNS resolution
B2D VM inherits the DNS server list from the host at boot. Moving into a different LAN (e.g. home <=> office) will mean a change of the network subnet and/or the DNS server IP address in most cases.
I had a really weird issue on one Windows box with very poor network performance. I fixed it by switching natdnshostresolver1 and natdnsproxy1 ON.
At the minimum adding a note to the Troubleshooting docs about the switch would be good.
We are currently turning these off:
I ran into two use cases where it would be better to keep them on:
Moving from one LAN to another will break DNS resolution
B2D VM inherits the DNS server list from the host at boot. Moving into a different LAN (e.g. home <=> office) will mean a change of the network subnet and/or the DNS server IP address in most cases.
ON.At the minimum adding a note to the Troubleshooting docs about the switch would be good.