lmakarov / dde

[DEPRECATED] Docker and Docker Compose based environment for Drupal
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Permissions issues with ssh key and settings copied from host #173

Open lmakarov opened 7 years ago

lmakarov commented 7 years ago

There are some permission issues with the cli container. As a result, files cannot be copied properly and the default ssh key is not usable.

$ dsh exec 'ls -la ~/.ssh'
total 16
drwxr-xr-x  2 docker users 4096 Oct  3 22:38 .
drwxr-xr-x 19 docker users 4096 Oct  3 22:41 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 docker users   85 Jun 10 21:04 config
-rw-------  1 root   root  1679 Oct  3 22:38 id_rsa
$ dsh logs cli
Attaching to fusion122_cli_1
cli_1      | Using SSH key name: id_rsa
cli_1      | Copying SSH key /.home-b2d/.ssh/id_rsa from host...
cli_1      | Copying Drush settigns in /.home-b2d/.drush from host...
cli_1      | cp: cannot create regular file '/home/docker/.drush/coder/coder_review/tests/coder_review_7x.test': Permission denied
cli_1      | cp: cannot create regular file '/home/docker/.drush/coder/coder_review/tests/coder_review_comment.test': Permission denied
cli_1      | cp: cannot create regular file '/home/docker/.drush/coder/coder_review/tests/coder_review_format.test': Permission denied
cli_1      | cp: cannot create regular file '/home/docker/.drush/coder/coder_review/tests/coder_review_i18n.test': Permission denied
cli_1      | cp: cannot create regular file '/home/docker/.drush/coder/coder_review/tests/coder_review_security.test': Permission denied
cli_1      | cp: cannot create regular file '/home/docker/.drush/coder/coder_review/tests/coder_review_sniffer.test': Permission denied
cli_1      | cp: cannot create regular file '/home/docker/.drush/coder/coder_review/tests/coder_review_sql.test': Permission denied
cli_1      | cp: cannot create regular file '/home/docker/.drush/coder/coder_review/tests/coder_review_style.test': Permission denied
cli_1      | cp: cannot create directory '/home/docker/.drush/coder/coder_review/tests/coder_review_test': Permission denied
cli_1      | cp: cannot create regular file '/home/docker/.drush/coder/coder_review/tests/coder_review_test_case.tinc': Permission denied
cli_1      | cp: cannot create directory '/home/docker/.drush/coder/coder_sniffer': Permission denied
cli_1      | cp: cannot create directory '/home/docker/.drush/coder/coder_upgrade': Permission denied
cli_1      | cp: cannot create regular file '/home/docker/.drush/coder/composer.json': Permission denied
cli_1      | cp: cannot create regular file '/home/docker/.drush/coder/composer.lock': Permission denied
cli_1      | cp: cannot create directory '/home/docker/.drush/coder/images': Permission denied
cli_1      | cp: cannot create regular file '/home/docker/.drush/coder/LICENSE.txt': Permission denied
cli_1      | cp: cannot create regular file '/home/docker/.drush/coder/phpunit.xml.dist': Permission denied
cli_1      | cp: cannot create regular file '/home/docker/.drush/coder/README.txt': Permission denied
cli_1      | cp: cannot create directory '/home/docker/.drush/coder/scripts': Permission denied
cli_1      | cp: cannot create regular file '/home/docker/.drush/drupalface.aliases.drushrc.php': Permission denied
cli_1      | cp: cannot create regular file '/home/docker/.drush/janssen.aliases.drushrc.php': Permission denied
cli_1      | sudo: unknown uid 1000: who are you?
cli_1      | WARNING: You need to specify sapi
cli_1      | /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/supervisor/options.py:296: UserWarning: Supervisord is running as root and it is searching for its configuration file in default locations (including its current working directory); you probably want to specify a "-c" argument specifying an absolute path to a configuration file for improved security.
cli_1      |   'Supervisord is running as root and it is searching '
cli_1      | 2016-10-03 22:38:42,073 CRIT Supervisor running as root (no user in config file)
cli_1      | 2016-10-03 22:38:42,073 WARN Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing
cli_1      | 2016-10-03 22:38:42,283 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
cli_1      | 2016-10-03 22:38:42,288 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking
cli_1      | 2016-10-03 22:38:42,290 INFO supervisord started with pid 1
cli_1      | 2016-10-03 22:38:43,313 INFO spawned: 'sshd' with pid 31
cli_1      | 2016-10-03 22:38:43,335 INFO spawned: 'php5-fpm' with pid 32
cli_1      | 2016-10-03 22:38:44,329 DEBG fd 10 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 140594547844952 for <Subprocess at 140594548134760 with name php5-fpm in state STARTING> (stdout)>
cli_1      | 2016-10-03 22:38:44,332 INFO success: sshd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
cli_1      | 2016-10-03 22:38:44,335 INFO success: php5-fpm entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
cli_1      | 2016-10-03 22:38:44,465 DEBG fd 15 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 140594547846392 for <Subprocess at 140594548134760 with name php5-fpm in state RUNNING> (stderr)>
cli_1      | 2016-10-03 22:38:53,247 DEBG killing php5-fpm (pid 32) with signal SIGTERM
cli_1      | 2016-10-03 22:38:53,300 INFO stopped: php5-fpm (exit status 0)
cli_1      | 2016-10-03 22:38:53,300 DEBG received SIGCLD indicating a child quit
cli_1      | 2016-10-03 22:38:54,308 INFO spawned: 'php5-fpm' with pid 49
cli_1      | 2016-10-03 22:38:54,397 DEBG fd 14 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 140594547507928 for <Subprocess at 140594548134760 with name php5-fpm in state STARTING> (stdout)>
cli_1      | 2016-10-03 22:38:54,414 DEBG fd 16 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 140594547508144 for <Subprocess at 140594548134760 with name php5-fpm in state STARTING> (stderr)>
cli_1      | 2016-10-03 22:38:55,416 INFO success: php5-fpm entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)