lmakarov / dde

[DEPRECATED] Docker and Docker Compose based environment for Drupal
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Unknown MySQL server host 'db -A' (0) with dsh mysql #175

Closed rootical closed 7 years ago

rootical commented 7 years ago

I am getting this error when trying to run dsh mysql: ERROR 2005 (HY000): Unknown MySQL server host 'db -A' (0)

Inside the bash I can see: docker@cli:/var/www/docroot$ mysql ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)

The drude instance opens correctly, website is running, pages are opening, creating, which means mysql is running somewhere.

Facing it for the second time (last time on another machine) - both time on MacOS.

docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                    COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                      NAMES
d5c756466b0d        blinkreaction/drupal-mysql:5.5           "/entrypoint.sh mysql"   10 minutes ago      Up 2 minutes>3306/tcp                     yarnmarketby_db_1
94b5f16eb126        blinkreaction/drupal-cli:stable          "/opt/startup.sh gosu"   2 weeks ago         Up 2 minutes        22/tcp, 9000/tcp                           yarnmarketby_cli_1
2442b8857ebf        blinkreaction/drupal-apache:2.2-stable   "/opt/startup.sh apac"   2 weeks ago         Up 2 minutes        80/tcp, 443/tcp                            yarnmarketby_web_1
317c05d98fea        blinkreaction/nginx-proxy:stable         "supervisord -n"         3 weeks ago         Up 3 weeks>80/tcp,>443/tcp   vhost-proxy
64aecc7b9ac1        blinkreaction/ssh-agent:stable           "/run.sh ssh-agent"      3 weeks ago         Up 3 weeks                                                     ssh-agent
88ff06544ae4        blinkreaction/dns-discovery:stable       "/opt/entrypoint.sh s"   3 weeks ago         Up 3 weeks>53/udp                         dns

Could you please advise on how to fix this issue?

lmakarov commented 7 years ago

@rootical try dsh drush sqlc. Note: drush has to be run from docroot or below to detect Drupal.

achekulaev commented 7 years ago

@rootical what's your dsh version?

rootical commented 7 years ago
dsh -v

dsh drush sqlc works, thanks a lot. Moving to Docksal.