I've done a quick implementation of "Accent Color" support for the 3 color e-paper displays.
Simply added a configuration for defining the accent color if DISP_3C is defined.
Updated display_utils to support setting color or using a default if not supplied.
I've modified the following elements to use the defined accent color:
The City/State
Currently Active Weather Warnings
Temperature Y-axis labels
Temperature Line Graph (Not the precip. chance bars)
BME Warning in status bar (if present)
WiFi signal status (if below configured threshold)
Battery status (if below configured threshold)
All fullscreen error icons
In the future it could be relatively simple to add more configurable color thresholds for current conditions (like UV, AQI, Visibility, etc...)
Below is an image of a 3 color display running under normal conditions:
If required, I can upload more images showing different conditions with accent colors.
I've done a quick implementation of "Accent Color" support for the 3 color e-paper displays.
Simply added a configuration for defining the accent color if DISP_3C is defined. Updated display_utils to support setting color or using a default if not supplied. I've modified the following elements to use the defined accent color:
In the future it could be relatively simple to add more configurable color thresholds for current conditions (like UV, AQI, Visibility, etc...)
Below is an image of a 3 color display running under normal conditions:
If required, I can upload more images showing different conditions with accent colors.