lmarzen / esp32-weather-epd

A low-power E-Paper weather display powered by an ESP32 microcontroller. Utilizes the OpenWeatherMap API.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Display won't turn on #73

Closed xJBx1 closed 8 months ago

xJBx1 commented 8 months ago

Hi, I have a 7.3in F e paper display and I have modified the code so that I get to see other weather options in place of the two indoor ones since I don't have the sensor, compiled the code and it builds wells and uploads to the esp32 (I have a regular dev board not the firebeetle), but when I run the sketch on the esp I get time, wifi, battery voltage, api response OK, power, reset and deepsleep seconds. It completely skips over the updating the display part and I'm confused because I have done the modifications for the display in the config files.

Can anyone help me on this?

lmarzen commented 8 months ago

Can you please share your serial monitor output?

Also, did you update the board configuration in platform.ini?

xJBx1 commented 8 months ago


that is the output I'm getting

[platformio] default_envs = esp32dev ; default_envs = firebeetle32

[env:esp32dev] board = esp32dev monitor_speed = 115200 ; override default partition table ; https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/tree/master/tools/partitions board_build.partitions = huge_app.csv ; change MCU frequency, 240MHz -> 80MHz (for better power efficiency) board_build.f_cpu = 80000000L

the above code is from my platform.ini file.....

Since the display is turning on, would it be an issue with the draw functions?? on the waveshare examples to draw they have codes like SendCommand(0x77) etc. which is not present here, would that make a difference?

lmarzen commented 8 months ago

What driver board are you using? And can you confirm the switches are correctly set?

xJBx1 commented 8 months ago

I am using a XCLUMA branded esp32 cp2102, it is a normal 30 pin esp32 board, I have 8 connectors for the e-paper, 3v3, gnd, bsy, rst, cs, dc, din, sck. So I had connected 3v3 and gnd to their respective pins, I assume DIN is MOSI and linked it respectively on vs, and i have left PWR and MISO as it is since I am not using them.

const uint8_t PIN_EPD_BUSY = 4; // 5 for micro-usb firebeetle const uint8_t PIN_EPD_CS = 5; const uint8_t PIN_EPD_RST = 21; const uint8_t PIN_EPD_DC = 22; const uint8_t PIN_EPD_SCK = 18; const uint8_t PIN_EPD_MISO = 19; // 19 Master-In Slave-Out not used, as no data from display const uint8_t PIN_EPD_MOSI = 23; const uint8_t PIN_EPD_PWR = 14; // Irrelevant if directly connected to 3.3V

Those are my connections, these connections worked when I want to display just a few photos on the e-paper as a test from the arduino ide.

Please suggest if these are correct.


That is my board above.

lmarzen commented 8 months ago

I meant are you using the waveshare hat or the despi?

xJBx1 commented 8 months ago

I am using the hat and I've selected that option in the config as well

lmarzen commented 8 months ago

Did you correctly position the switches on the waveshare hat?

Never mind, you said it worked when using arduino ide example. So your switches are probably correctly positioned.

xJBx1 commented 8 months ago

Yea, I tried debugging the program and it seems to run through everything as it's meant to, just drawing it on the actual display is the problem, are the EPD functions universal?

lmarzen commented 8 months ago

You could try some of the things suggested here. https://github.com/lmarzen/esp32-weather-epd/issues/63

I don't have the board you're using or the panel so I can not easily debug this issue. If any of the things in the before mentioned link helps let me know and we can add the fix to the project.

xJBx1 commented 8 months ago

Alright I'll have a crack at it and let you know

xJBx1 commented 8 months ago

void initDisplay() { SPI.begin(PIN_EPD_SCK, PIN_EPD_MISO, PIN_EPD_MOSI, PIN_EPD_CS);

display.init(115200, true, 2, false); display.setRotation(0); display.setTextSize(1); display.setTextColor(GxEPD_BLACK); display.setTextWrap(false); display.fillScreen(GxEPD_WHITE); display.setFullWindow(); // display.firstPage(); // use paged drawing mode, sets fillScreen(GxEPD_WHITE) return; } // end initDisplay

made that the init function but still no luck :(((

are there any other fixes for this?

_InitDisplay reset : 21 _PowerOn : 2 _refresh : 21 _PowerOff : 2 Awake for 16.700s Deep-sleep for 2725s that's what the serial monitor looks like

xJBx1 commented 8 months ago

Hi, I am adding a link to the modified code I have, would you be able to review that please and let me know what I have done wrong? https://github.com/xJBx1/weather_module

xJBx1 commented 8 months ago

Hey Luke, Had a quick one, would moving the platformio.ini file outside the platformio folder help since it will include all the files in the repository? Also, instead of using the GxEPD_7C, will using the GxEPD2_730c_ACeP_730 help?? since their codes are different

lmarzen commented 8 months ago

No moving the platform.ini file will not help. Platformio depends on a certain directory structure such as the src, include, libraries directories on the same level as the .ini file.

lmarzen commented 8 months ago

Your CI is failing because you renamed platformio directory to Platformio

xJBx1 commented 8 months ago

I changed the file name to platformio but that didn't work either.....is it somewhere in the code I need to change it?

xJBx1 commented 8 months ago

Did some debugging today, and the part which isn't working is the communication part, I used the display.drawTriangle function which is mutually exclusive to the whole program, and in theory should work however it didn't print anything, so I am suspecting it is the GxEPD which has some errors on it's part since the rest of the code seems to work fine.......What would you recommend I do?