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Create UI and template for patcher to make the patches creation more easy #1

Open TokcDK opened 6 months ago

TokcDK commented 6 months ago

I know very similar Mutagen .net library for Skyrim which is like OCS and using convenient UI for patchers. It using Synthesis WPF UI to manage Mutagen patchers and apply them one after another in one mod file using one context of load order. Synthesis can create new patches using project template. With Synthesis you can add new patchers from selected Github url or from own list of all known patchers. Synthesis automatically update list of patchers using Github dependencies because each patcher have not only mutagen dll nuget but also synthesis dll and because it can be automatically detected and added in list. Despite of this each mutagen patcher can be used independently.

I have several patchers created for own purposes but just added them in fork of patchfinding fix patcher but it quite unconvenient. It would be be good to have something similar for OCS then it was possible to using all patchers in one UI detect them using Github dependencies or maybe ask Synthesis dev to add Kenshi game and using OCS for patchers for the game? Synthesis/Mutagen is also .Net projects and maybe some functions can be used from there using nuget packages.

TokcDK commented 6 months ago

And also I want to ask how to use installation functional of .Net 7 version of OCS?