Open jlause opened 5 years ago
Hi Jan,
Yes, the plugin prepares files containing data, labels and weights datasets in caffe-compatible hdf5 format. The off-the-shelf-models expect data to be 4D blobs (n,c,y,x) for 2D data or 5D blobs (n,c,z,y,x) for 3D data.
Segmentation/Detection: The image is rescaled to model element size and its values normalized according to the normalization strategy given in the .modeldef.h5 file. For the ready models it is always a simple MIN/MAX normalization to the [0,1] range. After prepending singleton dimensions to get the desired blob structure the image is saved to an hdf5 dataset "/data" and the hdf5 file used as input for caffe_unet using the .modeldef.h5 file as model and the .caffemodel.h5 file as weights. Output is written to the input hdf5 file into dataset "/scores", which is read by the plugin. The plugin then applies an argmax along the channel dimension for the final classification and in case of detection computes the centers of mass of connected components weighted by pixel scores for the final positions.
This is easily implementable in python pipelines.
The finetuning case is a little trickier. Edge weight computation requires computation of the distance of every background pixel to its second-nearest foreground instance. This is expensive, both in Java and python, because it requires iteration over all object instances and computation of a distance transform for each object. One could restrict computation to narrow bands around object instances, to get it faster. Then model.prototxt and solver.prototxt are extracted from the modeldef.h5 file, adapted to match the number of input channels and output classes and given file names, a text file is generated containing all train files. If validation is requested additional layers for forward passes are added to compute IoU, and F1 and the validation images tiled into overlapping tiles matching the network input shape and the corresponding validation files enumerated in a second txt-file. Finally caffe is called with the solver.prototxt.
At least data augmentation is then performed by caffe, so you don't have to think about this.
You can of course use a tensorflow or pytorch implementation of U-Net, that lifts the burden of generating all these book-keeping files for caffe, but then you must additionally implement data augmentation in python (or use a ready library), which is not particularly hard but also some effort.
Hey Thorsten, thanks for your quick reply, it was very helpful!
Based on your advice, I wrote a little python function that runs 2D segmentation tasks using your caffe_unet and modelfiles/weight files created by your ImageJ plug-in. Maybe it's useful to someone else as well, I'll add the file below (if there are better ways to make it available, let me know).
I'll also look into the finetuning case during the next weeks.
Cheers, Jan
As file: unet.txt
Created on Wed Feb 20 18:21:58 2019
@author: Jan Lause -
import h5py
import numpy as np
import PIL
import subprocess
import os
def run_unet_segmentation(input_img,img_pixelsize_x,img_pixelsize_y,
'''Applies 2D UNET model to the input and returns segmentation & scores
input_img : 2D numpy array (uint8)
Input image
img_pixelsize_x : float
Input image pixelsize in x direction (pixel width)
img_pixelsize_y : float
Input image pixelsize in y direction (pixel height)
modelfile_path : string
Absolute path to HDF5 unet modelfile
weightfile_path : string
Absolute path to matching HDF5 unet weightfile
iofile_path : string
Absolute path to location where the temporary caffe input/outputfile
will be created. File must not exist.
tiling_x : int
UNET tile size in X direction
tiling_y : int
UNET tile size in Y direction
gpu_flat : string
GPU mode. Valid strings are
'' for CPU mode (default)
'all' for using all available GPUs
e.g. '0' for using GPU node 0
cleanup : bool
If true (default), IO file is deleted after function call.
output : dict
with keys preprocessed_img, scores and segmentation_mask.
#fix parameters
def rescale(size,img,mode='uint8'):
'''Rescales image to new size, using bilinear interpolation.
size : tuple
The new image size in pixels, as a 2-tuple: (width, height)
mode : string
Datatype to which image is converted before interpolation. Valid strings: ['uint8','float32']'''
#resize with bilinear interpolation
if mode == 'float32':
#for floating point images:
img = np.float32(img)
img_PIL = PIL.Image.fromarray(img,mode='F')
elif mode == 'uint8':
img_PIL = PIL.Image.fromarray(img)
raise(Exception('Invalid rescaling mode. Use uint8 or float32'))
return np.array(img_PIL.resize(size,PIL.Image.BILINEAR))
def normalize(img):
''' MIN/MAX-normalizes image to [0,1] range.'''
###normalize image
img_min = np.min(img)
img_max = np.max(img)
img_centered = img - img_min
img_range = img_max - img_min
return img_centered / img_range
### prepare image rescaling
#get model resolution (element size) from modelfile
modelfile_h5 = h5py.File(modelfile_path,'r')
modelresolution_y = modelfile_h5['unet_param/element_size_um'][0]
modelresolution_x = modelfile_h5['unet_param/element_size_um'][1]
#get input image absolute size
abs_size_x = input_img.shape[1] * img_pixelsize_x
abs_size_y = input_img.shape[0] * img_pixelsize_y
#get rescaled image size in pixel
rescaled_size_px_x = int(np.round(abs_size_x / modelresolution_x))
rescaled_size_px_y = int(np.round(abs_size_y / modelresolution_y))
rescale_size = (rescaled_size_px_x,rescaled_size_px_y)
### preprocess image and store in IO file
#normalize image, then rescale
normalized_img = normalize(input_img)
rescaled_img = np.float32(rescale(rescale_size,normalized_img,mode='float32'))
#prepending singleton dimensions to get the desired blob structure
h5ready_img = rescaled_img[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:,:]
#create caffe IO file
iofile_h5 = h5py.File(iofile_path,mode='x')
#save image blob to hdf5 dataset "/data"
### run caffe_unet commands
#assemble sanity check command
command_sanitycheck = []
if gpu_flag:
#runs command and puts console output to stdout
sanitycheck_proc =,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
#aborts if process failed
#prints console output
#assemble prediction command
command_predict = []
if gpu_flag:
#run command
with subprocess.Popen(command_predict, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True) as p:
for line in p.stdout:
#prints console output
print(line, end='')
### read from IO file and postprocess
# load results from io file and return
output_h5 = h5py.File(iofile_path)
score = output_h5['score'].value
#get segmentation mask by taking channel argmax
segmentation_mask = np.argmax(score,axis=1)
#cleanup if requested
if cleanup:
return dict(preprocessed_img=np.squeeze(h5ready_img),
scores = np.squeeze(score),
segmentation_mask = np.squeeze(segmentation_mask))
Great, this may be interesting for others as well!
Happy to hear that ;) I will maintain/update the code here:
Hello, thank you for this. I would like to know if this means that I can run the analysis in the cloud for instance on Colab. This might help those who may not have access to a GPU
Hey all,
I currently have my image processing pipeline for cell detection in python and I've been looking for ways to integrate your UNET implementation into it. More specifically, I have a datajoint pipeline which holds images and ground truth outlines/center locations, then trains models based on that, makes predictions for all models&images and finally computes quality metrics. Now I want to try to add your model to it.
Thus, I'm looking for a GUI-free way to start and control finetuning/segementation/detection jobs from a python environment. Is there a "command line-like" level that I could access?
As far as I understood from a brief look through your code, you prepare the model definition and input files in a certain way (creating blobs / h5files within the Java part of the code), and then submit these to the respective caffe functions, which then return results to the Java plugin.
I'm not sure if this is correct and where in that sequence it would be wise to start with a python integration (or if that is a bad idea to begin with, and implementing UNET myself is easier). If you have any thoughts on this or if you could point me to some documentation of your Java/caffe interface, I'd be very grateful!
Cheers, Jan.