I am not able to figure out how to run the run-flownet.py and run-flownet-many.py. Could you please provide me an example ? The path for the net, I am using is /home/Downloads/flownet2-master/models/FlowNet2/.
Also after running the following command in ubuntu terminal,
$ python run-flownet.py /home/ruh/Downloads/flownet2-master/models/FlowNet2 /FlowNet2_weights.caffemodel.h5 \/home/ruh/Downloads/flownet2-master/models/FlowNet2/FlowNet2_deploy.prototxt.template \/home/ruh/Downloads/flownet2-master/data/FlyingChairs_examples/0000000-img0.ppm /home/ruh/Downloads/flownet2-master/data/FlyingChairs_examples/0000000-img1.ppm z.flo
It is giving me the following error
<caffe._caffe.Net object at 0x7f0abe9cfe10> Traceback (most recent call last): File "run-flownet.py", line 69, in <module> input_dict[net.inputs[blob_idx]] = input_data[blob_idx] IndexError: list index out of range
I am not able to figure out how to run the run-flownet.py and run-flownet-many.py. Could you please provide me an example ? The path for the net, I am using is /home/Downloads/flownet2-master/models/FlowNet2/. Also after running the following command in ubuntu terminal,
$ python run-flownet.py /home/ruh/Downloads/flownet2-master/models/FlowNet2 /FlowNet2_weights.caffemodel.h5 \/home/ruh/Downloads/flownet2-master/models/FlowNet2/FlowNet2_deploy.prototxt.template \/home/ruh/Downloads/flownet2-master/data/FlyingChairs_examples/0000000-img0.ppm /home/ruh/Downloads/flownet2-master/data/FlyingChairs_examples/0000000-img1.ppm z.flo
It is giving me the following error
<caffe._caffe.Net object at 0x7f0abe9cfe10> Traceback (most recent call last): File "run-flownet.py", line 69, in <module> input_dict[net.inputs[blob_idx]] = input_data[blob_idx] IndexError: list index out of range