lmb-freiburg / flownet2

FlowNet 2.0: Evolution of Optical Flow Estimation with Deep Networks
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problem about run-flownet.py #65

Closed wangzhenglai closed 7 years ago

wangzhenglai commented 7 years ago

I am not able to run the run-flownet.py,could you please provide me an example ? After running the following command in ubuntu terminal, $ python run-flownet.py /media/root/F67EFD9D7EFD56B9/flownet/flownet2-master/models/FlowNet2/FlowNet2_weights.caffemodel.h5 \ /media/root/F67EFD9D7EFD56B9/flownet/flownet2-master/models/FlowNet2/FlowNet2_deploy.prototxt.template \ /media/root/F67EFD9D7EFD56B9/flownet/flownet2-master/data/FlyingChairs_examples/0000000-img0.ppm /media/root/F67EFD9D7EFD56B9/flownet/flownet2-master/data/FlyingChairs_examples/0000000-img1.ppm z.flo It is giving me the following error run-flownet.py: error: unrecognized arguments: z.flo

nikolausmayer commented 7 years ago

Are the backslashes (\)really in your command, or is that an artifact of copy-paste?

wangzhenglai commented 7 years ago

thanks,I solve this issue with your advice.But I meet new issues.... After running command,It is giving me the following error: [libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/text_format.cc:245] Error parsing text-format caffe.NetParameter: 40:22: Message type "caffe.LayerParameter" has no field named "augmentation_param". F0918 14:29:10.478540 8157 upgrade_proto.cpp:79] Check failed: ReadProtoFromTextFile(param_file, param) Failed to parse NetParameter file: /tmp/tmp2e_MMP Check failure stack trace:

And another one,a new issue with convert_imageset_and_flow.bin when using make-lmdbs.sh bash: ../build/tools/convert_imageset_and_flow.bin: Permission denied

I try chmod 777 make-lmdbs.sh and chmod 777 convert_imageset_and_flow.bin ,but useless,can you help me?

wangzhenglai commented 7 years ago

I tried the following command again but useless for the first issue like others did: source set-env.sh

nikolausmayer commented 7 years ago

I don't know about your "Permission denied" problem. It sounds like the compilation was not done correctly, or by a different user, or the files are on a filesystem which does not support execution or something like that.

Your first error still sounds like you have a mismatch between the Caffe version you use for compilation and the one you use at runtime: Your runtime Caffe used a caffe.proto file in which the augmentation_param is not defined. But we know it's defined in ours, so there must be a discrepancy on your side...

letatanu commented 7 years ago

@wangzhenglai You must use Caffe going with this project to avoid your first error. I used to use the original Caffe and there were some errors like that.

nikolausmayer commented 7 years ago

@letatanu Yes, that's what I meant in the last paragraph -- it seems to be a common issue. All the more reason to use our Docker image ;)

nikolausmayer commented 7 years ago

@wangzhenglai Is this issue still relevant, or can it be closed?

wangzhenglai commented 7 years ago

@nikolausmayer ,ok,you can close it. I solve it ,there are several caffe in my computer ,I forget to set correct caffe path for python .