lmcintyre / TitleEditPlugin

Dalamud plugin for changing the title screen and lobby.
GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 4 forks source link

Add support for subfolders inside pluginConfigs #6

Open Zebouski opened 2 years ago

Zebouski commented 2 years ago

I've made about 50 or so titleedit screens so far, and I want to share them all with my friends and anyone else online easily, and have them get updates when I add more or fix stuff that's messed up. Could you add folder support, so that I can have people clone my github repo into a subfolder of pluginConfigs/TitleEdit/ or just unzip into there without conflicting with other presets, that would be awesome.

Or, what would be even easier for the enduser, is to add a "External sources" feature like the SimpleTweaks plugin has its Tweaks Sources section to allow people to add additonal entries that autoupdate.

lmcintyre commented 2 years ago

This is a great idea, it'll probably be implemented in stages when I have time. I'll have to work out the best way to allow people to organize their folders of presets from within the plugin.

I'm not sure if I'll support a remote source for title edit presets, which would certainly be cool, but maybe a little more complex than I'm willing to introduce into the plugin. I'll take a look at how Simple Tweaks does its Tweak Sources and gauge the complexity before committing to implementing something like that.

RyudoGaming commented 2 months ago

Been a few years now and the plugin has been passed around to a few different developers it seems, is there any way we could get this implemented?

I have well over 300+ title screens and would love to have them in folders, "A Realm Reborn" , "Heavensward" etc " Matoyas Relict" etc,

Some are Perfect whilst some I have to manually edit via the Json but doing this in folders would be SO much easier, Many Thanks
