lme4 / lme4

Mixed-effects models in R using S4 classes and methods with RcppEigen
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R studio Error while calling library(lme4) - Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘lme4’ in namespaceExport(ns, exports): undefined exports: bobyqa, newuoa, uobyqa #760

Closed JoeAM11 closed 10 months ago

JoeAM11 commented 10 months ago

Hello! I am new to linear mixed effects models and I am currently learning to used the with some tutorials (https://www.hiercourse.com/docs/00_SolutionsExercises_mixed.pdf)

I am running in R Studio and have some problems while calling the lme4 library!

It seems installation is correctly done image

But when the library is called i obtain the following error: image

I can't seem to solve it. I have uninstalled and installed packages but haven't been able to solve it. What do you suggest I can do? Thank you!

bbolker commented 10 months ago

Does install.packages("minqa") help? What do you get from packageVersion("minqa") ?

JoeAM11 commented 10 months ago

Hello bbolker!

Thank you for your help. I have installed the minqa package as suggested, but problem is still present.

Here is the output for package version command

packageVersion("minqa") [1] ‘1.2.4’

Any other suggestion of what may be happening. Thank you!

bbolker commented 10 months ago

minqa version 1.2.4 is very old (this page says it was released in 2014, although the next newer version is from 2022). What version of R (not RStudio) are you running (run getRversion())? What is packageVersion("lme4") ? Can you run update.packages() and make sure that at least those two packages are up to date?

JoeAM11 commented 10 months ago


Here are my versions

getRversion() [1] ‘4.0.5’ packageVersion("lme4") [1] ‘’

After running the update.packages() i get the same response. Thank you

bbolker commented 10 months ago

Your versions of everything are really quite old (in R-land, a couple of years old is considered "old"). If there's any way you can update everything to the latest version (R version 4.3.2, lme4 version 1.1-35.1) it will very likely make all of your problems go away, and if they don't it will be easier to troubleshoot. The latest version of R for Windows is here: https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/

bbolker commented 10 months ago

Any update on this? Otherwise I may close it ...