lmihalkovic / Arduino

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Wouldn't it be nice if Arduino IDE .... #1

Open lmihalkovic opened 8 years ago

lmihalkovic commented 8 years ago

Aside from the bang-on-feature-set and quality of the board, IMHO the utterly simple approach of the supplied IDE is what made the Arduino a hit... instead of the dark-art that embedded programming has been for years, it suddenly became possible for anyone to download a single zip and reliably get going in minutes. This is a awesome achievement!!!

As time has passed, the IDE as retained the simplicity that made its success. Of recent, the company behind the development of this tool as undertaken the challenge of re-inventing this product and for the past year work seems to have gone steadily on Arduino Create. Understandably, the development of this product has entered a new phase, and many features that might have otherwise made their way to this IDE have been closed as Arduino Create will provide this feature.

IMHO the platform is coming to a cross-roads. The skill-set of programmers keep growing, more rapidly than before I might add, and the current IDE is approaching (some might say it passed it) a point where its minimum feature-set will not longer be enough.

This issue entry is for the purpose of referencing under a single umbrella other individual issues meant to inject a number of capabilities that will give a dose of coolness factor to the current IDE (1.6.5_r5 at the time this is started).

More practical

Nice to haves

This is a backlog of, some of them long standing, issues that I will address in some way shape or form (the final solution may represent a comprise between ease of implementation and matching the original request):

External references: https://groups.google.com/a/arduino.cc/d/topic/developers/KsstENd2384/discussion

These improvements were originally tracked on the IDE main repo as arduino/Arduino#4084, which created too much interference for the core team to be able to pursue their work.

lmihalkovic commented 8 years ago


mralexgray commented 8 years ago

+1 Maybe a SIMBL plugin-in (like afloat) could step in, in the meantime (or if this is a wont fix)

zsubzwary commented 6 years ago

It's been three years, when should we expect the auto-Complete feature in Arduino IDE (stable build) ...? What progress is made on the auto-Complete feature ........?