Processes the 5D tensor containing the stack of Drosophila embryo in parallel with ilasitk running on Azure Batch via Python API. The app uploads the stack into a single storage container and then segments the nuclei via a parallel workload running 50 ilastik processes (there are 50 time points in the stack, it's one segmentation task per time point) in a headless mode (see from more information). The output of each segmentation task (one tiff file per time point containing segmented 3D stack) is uploaded to a single storage container and then downloaded into the current working dir.
python 3.6
Run the app
Install virtualenv pip3 install virtualenv
Go into the python dir and create virtual env for the app cd python && python3 -m virtualenv env
Update the Batch and storage account credentials inside the
Run the script: python
Wait for the script to finish and check that the output segmentation files have been successfully downloaded into your current directory (the files should be named drosophila_00-49_{t}_seg.tiff, where t corresponds to a given time point in the stack).
Sample segmentation output
Output of the ilastik segmentation task for a sample time point:
Processes the 5D tensor containing the stack of Drosophila embryo in parallel with ilasitk running on Azure Batch via Python API. The app uploads the stack into a single storage container and then segments the nuclei via a parallel workload running 50 ilastik processes (there are 50 time points in the stack, it's one segmentation task per time point) in a headless mode (see from more information). The output of each segmentation task (one tiff file per time point containing segmented 3D stack) is uploaded to a single storage container and then downloaded into the current working dir.
Run the app
pip3 install virtualenv
dir and create virtual env for the appcd python && python3 -m virtualenv env
pip install -r requirements.txt
, wheret
corresponds to a given time point in the stack).Sample segmentation output
Output of the ilastik segmentation task for a sample time point: