Open GoogleCodeExporter opened 8 years ago
I am seeing the same issue and just started seeing it in my app (that has been
in production for months) today.
Original comment by
on 14 Dec 2011 at 7:49
actually, I was using 1.6.1. I upgraded the swc to 1.8.1 and it works now!
Original comment by
on 14 Dec 2011 at 8:09
Same.. apps that never failed before began failing today a few hours ago.
Have upgraded to latest library to no effect.. what changed?
Original comment by
on 14 Dec 2011 at 10:35
I am guessing this:
Breaking Change: JavaScript SDK to oauth:true on December 13th
By Jerry Cain - Monday at 17:00
As part of our continued efforts to migrate all apps to OAuth 2.0, we are
opting in all apps using the new JavaScript SDK to OAuth 2.0 tomorrow at 11am
Pacific Time. The deadline to support OAuth 2.0 was October 1st, 2011.
The new JS SDK with OAuth 2.0 was introduced in July. Tomorrow, on December
13th at 11am, we will automatically default the oauth param to true in FB.init.
With this change, please ensure that you are using FB.getAuthResponse to obtain
the access token. Read more about the specific changes that you need to make
Original comment by
on 14 Dec 2011 at 11:51
I was using 1.6.1 and upgraded to 1.8.1 and don't see a change.
Is there a page where we can find the changes we need to make to support this,
specifically for action script?
Original comment by
on 14 Dec 2011 at 2:56
1.8.1 login ok
Original comment by
on 15 Dec 2011 at 2:42
I have upgraded FB as3 api to 1.8.1. I don't get any callback from
Facebook.init, all I can see is error in the javascript console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'authResponseChange' of null
(anonymous function)
(anonymous function)
(anonymous function)
(anonymous function)
Original comment by
on 15 Dec 2011 at 10:25
check your permisiions for the facebook request.
I removed"read_stream" and it came back to life.
//original permission
//var opts:Object = {perms:"publish_stream, user_photos, user_status,
friends_status,friends_photos, read_stream"};
//new permission
var opts:Object = {scope:"publish_stream, user_photos, user_status,
Facebook.login(onLogin, opts);
Original comment by
on 15 Dec 2011 at 2:46
I have upgraded FB as3 api to 1.8.1. and one application worked perfect. But
other two don´t working.
Could be some configuration from the options on application as "Encrypted
Access Token" or "Enhanced Auth Dialog"?
Please help I have my customers desperate :S
Thank you!
Original comment by
on 15 Dec 2011 at 3:23
Actually, wth regards to comment #8 where you said you 'removed "read_stream"':
I think that, far more crucially, you changed the 'perms' parameter to 'scope',
which is part of the update for useing the 1.8.1 API and OAuth 2.0.
Similarly, if you're posting to a user's Wall or photo albums and have this
kind of object declaration:
var photoParams:Object = {
message:"My uploaded photo",
...the getSession() method is no longer available in 1.8.1, so you'll have to
update your access_token value to:
Original comment by
on 15 Dec 2011 at 5:23
[deleted comment]
Hello guys, as per what everyone has been saying, please change your api to
1.81 which is the latest as OAuth2.0 is forced on everyone now.
With regards to getting back null values, its said already be dafault that
there wont be any errors, so that means if u get a double null, you have an
issue with your calls.
Now to move forward, what you can test is first is your call being made, in my
instance it was and it was just not getting back any data.
If you are having getting the Facebook.init to fire in teh first place set all
your settings in advanced to disabled except the remove deprecated calls (first
This should help everyone out.
Remember check your api key, check your order of calls and make sure your call
is in a place which can be fired.
Any problems email me im more than happy to help.
Original comment by
on 16 Dec 2011 at 7:13
Hello everyone... I am having a very weird problem.
I have two apps... one is working and another is not. I stripped out
everything... and I have only Facebook.init in one app I am getting the data...
and in other I am getting both null. I don't know what could be the possible
reason... anyone who was able to fix the issue of getting both null issue
please share with us.
Original comment by
on 16 Dec 2011 at 8:04
I have a real weird problem.
When a user first enter my application, I can reproduce it clearing all my
cookies, cache, etc...
Is that conditions Facebook.init callback don't get called, if i refresh the
page with F5 everything's work fine.
I don't know what else I can do in order to fix it.
Any help?
here is my code
public function Social()
Facebook.init( Config.FACEBOOK_APP_ID, onInit );
protected function onInit( _result:Object, _fail:Object):void
if ( _result )
Debug.log( "facebook login success" );
onLogin( );
Debug.log( "facebook login failed on init, try login" );
var opts:Object = { scope: "publish_stream" };
Facebook.login( onLoginEx, opts );
Original comment by
on 16 Dec 2011 at 11:56
I found solution to my problem... I hope others did too :)
if not... check it out... I hope my experience will help you.
Original comment by
on 17 Dec 2011 at 10:40
Same problem here.
I updated my app to the latest library(1.8.1) and the init doesn't work.
I created a new app in Facebook Apps and a new app in my Flash Bulder with
minimal configuration...
Here is my code:
public const fbAppId:String = "xxxxxxxxxxxx";
protected function onInit(event:FlexEvent):void
Facebook.init(fbAppId, handleInit);
private function handleInit(result:Object, fail:Object):void
trace("App Init");
The handleInit function never calls.
Original comment by
on 19 Dec 2011 at 7:04
Same problem here.
HandleInit never calls!!!
Original comment by
on 19 Dec 2011 at 7:26
I solved the problem... for me :)
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript"
I added these 2 lines in the head tag of my html where my swf is embeded, and
<div id="fb-root"></div>
to begin of body tag. This div already had it in my html but not those two
For me is working great :)
Original comment by
on 19 Dec 2011 at 7:42
After a long struggle I managed to get the callback fired, but the received
objects are always null...
Original comment by
on 22 Dec 2011 at 4:13
Hey everyone,
Don't know if you guys are still having issues, but I was struggling with this
December 13 Facebook OAuth update for the longest time and finally just got it
A few things of importance that ended up working for me:
1) Check out this link:
Helped me a lot!
-In particular, make sure you download the latest API and get rid of the old
2) Be sure that you're using scope instead of perms in the Facebook.login
protected function login():void{
Facebook.login(loginHandler, {scope:"email"});
3) I had a FBJSBridge.js file, so in it:
-Make sure to change "response.session" to "response.authResponse".
-If you have "response.perms" change that to "response.scope".
-Also change the fb_getSession() function to
function fb_getAuthResponse() {
authResponse = FB.getAuthResponse();
return FB.JSON.stringify(authResponse);
-In my fb_init, I also changed "auth.sessionChange" to
"auth.authResponseChange" as seen below:
function fb_init(opts) {
FB.Event.subscribe('auth.authResponseChange', function(response) {
4) In the index.htm:
-Make sure the support libraries appear in this order:
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript"
-Facebook init returns null apparently because of how you embed the flash
player. So make sure it's like this:
swfobject.embedSWF("swfFileName.swf", "flashContent", "760", "800", "10.0",
null, null, null, {name: "flashContent"})
-I also had a redirect uri, and I had to change the uri from
irect_uri='+uri+params; to what you see below:
function redirect(id,scope,uri) {
var params = window.location.toString().slice(window.location.toString().indexOf('?'));
top.location = ''+id+'&redirect_uri='+uri+params+'&scope='+scope; }
Hope this helps a bit!
Original comment by
on 27 Dec 2011 at 5:07
Hi cindobi, thanks a lot.This help us a lot to solve our problem :)
I added cool smileys to this message... if you don't see them go to:
Original comment by
on 6 Jan 2012 at 8:28
Thanks , It helps us lot.
Original comment by
on 6 Jan 2012 at 8:29
thanks for everyone who posted suggestions here - helped me fix our broken app
in no time after pulling my hair out trying to solve it from the official docs
Original comment by
on 14 Jan 2012 at 12:13
Hello everybody!
I also have double null issue.
Looking at you can see lines 857-889(handleAuthResponseChange
function). As I understand from that code - there is NO WAY to get (fail !=
Also, as I see, there is no way to get (authResponse != null) before user press
"Allow" button at facebook permissions dialog.
So we have two situations: Facebook.init or login will return
1. (null, null), if user doesn't allowed the permissions in dialog
2. (authResponse, null) in other way.
If I am right, may be as3 api team will at least add "fail always null" to docs?
Original comment by
on 18 Jan 2012 at 8:32
I had the double null issue too, but just updating the Facebook Graph Api did
it for me.
I was getting and storing the accestoken trough the session, but session isn't
available anymore. You can still get the accestoken via
Original comment by
on 31 Jan 2012 at 3:00
it is not working for me. I tested the sample from
the sample is not working as well
Original comment by
on 5 Feb 2012 at 7:41
Did you insert your api key properly? sometimes that is the cause of
Original comment by
on 5 Feb 2012 at 11:30
API key is same as my app key
Original comment by
on 6 Feb 2012 at 5:24
App ID/API Key
i grab from my facebook page.
Original comment by
on 6 Feb 2012 at 5:31
To make it work you must make sure to pass a name as an attribute when
embedding the swf
var flashvars = {};
var params = {allowScriptAccess: "always",wmode: "window"};
var attributes = {id:"flashContent",
name:"flashContent" // Must be included for js to communicate with flash
swfobject.embedSWF("myswf.swf","flashContent", "730", "525", "11.0.0",
"expressInstall.swf",flashvars, params, attributes);
Original comment by
on 10 Dec 2012 at 9:48
[deleted comment]
try step 4 on this page, it helped me
Original comment by
on 26 Jun 2013 at 1:53
Original issue reported on by
on 14 Dec 2011 at 4:42