lmmx / tap

dex ⠶ tap – an audio transcriber for web radio
MIT License
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Helper method for quill exports #17

Open lmmx opened 3 years ago

lmmx commented 3 years ago

Quill exports are currently being done with a bash script like this:

conda deactivate
conda activate tap
LS_IMPORT="from tap.scrape import load_stream"
EXPORT_TRANSCRIPTS='s.export_transcripts(out_format="mmd", domain="poll", single_file=True)'
QL_DEPLOY='import quill as ql; ql.fold.wire.standup(domains_list=["poll"]); ql.remote_push_manifest(specific_domains=["poll"])'
python -c "$LS_IMPORT; s = load_stream(transcribe=True)" && \
  python -c "$LS_IMPORT; s = load_stream(reload=True); $EXPORT_TRANSCRIPTS" && \
  python -c "$QL_DEPLOY"

I'm not sure if gc and logger fixing alone can resolve the issues that require restarting Python, but this could all be done within Python, as helper methods