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Activation function in IndRNN #40

Closed Qashqay closed 3 years ago

Qashqay commented 3 years ago


Is it possible to apply any activation function between hidden states in IndRNN in tensorflow framework?

Currently I don't see any argument similar to "activation"

Keyword Arguments:
  kernel_initializer: (optional) the initializer to use for the input
    matrix weights. Defaults to `glorot_uniform`.
  recurrent_initializer: (optional) the initializer to use for the
    recurrent scale weights. Defaults to uniform random in [-0.5, 0.5].
    Note that this initialization scheme is different than in the original
    authors' implementation. See https://github.com/lmnt-com/haste/issues/7
    for details.
  bias_initializer: (optional) the initializer to use for the bias vector.
    Defaults to `zeros`.
  kernel_transform: (optional) a function with signature
    `(kernel: Tensor) -> Tensor` that transforms the kernel before it is
    used. Defaults to the identity function.
  recurrent_transform: (optional) a function with signature
    `(recurrent_scale: Tensor) -> Tensor` that transforms the recurrent
    scale vector before it is used. Defaults to the identity function.
  bias_transform: (optional) a function with signature
    `(bias: Tensor) -> Tensor` that transforms the bias before it is used.
    Defaults to the identity function.
  zoneout: (optional) float, sets the zoneout rate for Zoneout
    regularization. Defaults to 0.
  dtype: (optional) the data type for this layer. Defaults to `tf.float32`.
  name: (optional) string, the name for this layer.
sharvil commented 3 years ago

It's not currently possible to apply arbitrary activations. I can point you to the code you'd need to change to add in your desired activation function if you'd like.