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IndRNNs #7

Open OverLordGoldDragon opened 4 years ago

OverLordGoldDragon commented 4 years ago

I'd like to suggest support for IndRNNs; in my experiments on EEG seizure classification w/ very long sequences, they've dominated LSTMs & GRUs. While already also much faster, IndRNNs would benefit from a CuDNN-like speedup in large stacks, and from Layer Normalization for working w/ 1000+ timesteps.

Minimal tf.keras code below; default weight initialization should be handled differently - can clarify post-approval.

IndRNN Cell ```python from tensorflow.python.keras import activations from tensorflow.python.keras import backend as K from tensorflow.python.keras import constraints from tensorflow.python.keras import initializers from tensorflow.python.keras import regularizers from tensorflow.python.keras.engine.base_layer import Layer from tensorflow.python.keras.utils import tf_utils from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops from tensorflow.python.training.tracking import data_structures from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import keras_export from tensorflow.python.keras.layers.recurrent import DropoutRNNCellMixin @keras_export(v1=['keras.layers.IndRNNCell']) class IndRNNCell(DropoutRNNCellMixin, Layer): def __init__(self, units, activation='tanh', use_bias=True, recurrent_clip_min=-1, recurrent_clip_max=-1, kernel_initializer='glorot_normal', recurrent_initializer=None, bias_initializer='zeros', kernel_regularizer=None, recurrent_regularizer=None, bias_regularizer=None, kernel_constraint=None, recurrent_constraint=None, bias_constraint=None, dropout=0., recurrent_dropout=0., implementation=1, **kwargs): super(IndRNNCell, self).__init__(**kwargs) if recurrent_clip_min is None or recurrent_clip_max is None: recurrent_clip_min = None recurrent_clip_max = None self.units = units self.activation = activations.get(activation) self.use_bias = use_bias self.recurrent_clip_min = recurrent_clip_min self.recurrent_clip_max = recurrent_clip_max self.kernel_initializer = initializers.get(kernel_initializer) if self.recurrent_initializer is None: self.recurrent_initializer = initializers.uniform(-1.0, 1.0) else: self.recurrent_initializer = initializers.get(recurrent_initializer) self.bias_initializer = initializers.get(bias_initializer) self.kernel_regularizer = regularizers.get(kernel_regularizer) self.recurrent_regularizer = regularizers.get(recurrent_regularizer) self.bias_regularizer = regularizers.get(bias_regularizer) self.kernel_constraint = constraints.get(kernel_constraint) self.recurrent_constraint = constraints.get(recurrent_constraint) self.bias_constraint = constraints.get(bias_constraint) self.dropout = min(1., max(0., dropout)) self.recurrent_dropout = min(1., max(0., recurrent_dropout)) self.state_size = data_structures.NoDependency([self.units]) self.output_size = self.units @tf_utils.shape_type_conversion def build(self, input_shape): input_dim = input_shape[-1] self.timesteps = input_shape[1] self._process_recurrent_clip() self.kernel = self.add_weight( shape=(input_dim, self.units), name='kernel', initializer=self.kernel_initializer, regularizer=self.kernel_regularizer, constraint=self.kernel_constraint) self.recurrent_kernel = self.add_weight( shape=(self.units,), name='recurrent_kernel', initializer=self.recurrent_initializer, regularizer=self.recurrent_regularizer, constraint=self.recurrent_constraint) if self.use_bias: self.bias = self.add_weight( shape=(self.units,), name='bias', initializer=self.bias_initializer, regularizer=self.bias_regularizer, constraint=self.bias_constraint) else: self.bias = None self.built = True def call(self, inputs, states, training=None): h_tm1 = states[0] # previous memory state dp_mask = self.get_dropout_mask_for_cell(inputs, training, count=1) rec_dp_mask = self.get_recurrent_dropout_mask_for_cell( h_tm1, training, count=1) if 0. < self.dropout < 1.: inputs = inputs * dp_mask[0] if 0. < self.recurrent_dropout < 1.: h_tm1 = h_tm1 * rec_dp_mask[0] h = K.dot(inputs, self.kernel) h += math_ops.multiply(h_tm1, self.recurrent_kernel) if self.use_bias: h = K.bias_add(h, self.bias) h = self.activation(h) return h, [h] ```
sharvil commented 4 years ago

Sounds like a reasonable addition. The IndRNN paper doesn't mention layer norm – do you have an algorithm that's known to produce good results? I'm wondering if we can get away with applying layer norm only on the input like this:


How important are cell clipping, input dropout, recurrent dropout, and non-tanh activation functions in practice? And what weight initialization scheme do you propose?

OverLordGoldDragon commented 4 years ago

@sharvil Wonderful.


kernel: authors recommend Normal w/ small std. In my application, 'glorot_normal' and 'glorot_uniform' have yielded comparable results (didn't try others); note that normal is truncated (I suggest all default Normals are truncated to avoid unlikely but possible extreme weight values). I'd default to 'glorot_normal', but no strong inclination.

recurrent_kernel: authors recommend a sophisticated initialization scheme w/ timesteps-based clipping. Several points:

  1. timesteps-based clipping will be a bit involved to implement in Keras API-friendly manner.

  2. I'm not very convinced by the need for such elaborate clipping; per this graph I made based on authors' excerpt, the difference between clipped and simply [-1, 1] weights is quite small for long sequences, and authors themselves note clipping to be redundant for short (<20 timesteps) sequences. More importantly, being around 1 at all may be harmful (see below).

  3. Most implementations default to uniform [-1, 1]; I recommend against this. In my application, [-.2, .2] has worked best, and [-1, 1] was a wreck; my explanation is, large weights yield large pre-activations, driving tanh into saturation (and relu into explosion), harming backprop for long sequences. With my scheme, I achieved near picture-perfect gradients for 160+ timesteps.

  4. My recommendation is: [-.5, .5] (uniform), with a docstring mention on difference w/ authors. IndRNNs are likelier to be used for long sequence tasks, where [-1, 1] can be a bad default. Caveats:

    • My experiments are limited to signal classification; results may differ in other domains
    • If defaulting to [-1, 1], it's worth mentioning trying smaller bounds for longer sequences in a docstring
  5. Whatever the default, I suggest haste provide a more convenient way to initialize via uniform or (truncated) normal. TF/Keras requires an import; instead, we can take a dict like {'uniform': 1} to mean RandomUniform(-1, 1) or {'normal': .01} to mean TruncatedNormal(stdev=.01).

bias: use_bias=True, initialize to zeros. Same as authors'.


'relu' was a (bad) bomb in my application; 'selu' was stabler - but this is rather inherent to long sequences. Authors' success may be domain-specific; for a safer general default, and what proved superior in my case, I recommend 'tanh'.


The benefits of LayerNorm or BatchNorm, especially implemented recurrently for RNNs, are basically universal (some interesting reading here) - and will be even more pronounced for long sequence tasks with typical vanishing gradients. For IndRNNs, it remains important to normalize both input-to-input and hidden-to-hidden transforms, and separately; the authors of recurrent batch normalization go so far as to normalize gates separately, with sound arguments. The idea is, information flow dynamics are unique to each transform, and in IndRNN's recurrent_kernel is additionally distinctly a vector.

Btw, Recurrent BN may prove superior to Recurrent LN, though is harder to implement - but that's for another time.

DROPOUTS: should behave same as TF/Keras's SimpleRNN. Though, recurrent_dropout as-is is problematic (for all RNNs) - I'll clarify another time; can mimic TF for starters.

sharvil commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the detailed writeup. I'm following your recommendations for the most part but I don't think dropout is a good addition. Specifically, recurrent dropout is known to be A Bad Idea™ for RNNs as you pointed out and dropout between layers can be implemented trivially by the caller – it doesn't need to be implemented by the Haste layer.

OverLordGoldDragon commented 4 years ago

@sharvil I see your commit history - good progress so far, though I hope LayerNorm support is planned as it can make IndRNNs vastly more powerful for very long sequences. Regarding recurrent dropout, I disagree - it can be a very effective regularizer if used properly, though I wouldn't follow TensorFlow's implementation for it - I'll dedicate an Issue to this sometime.

sharvil commented 4 years ago

Yes, Layer Norm support is planned, though no specific ETA yet.

amurashov commented 4 years ago

I have tested IndRNN, do I understand correctly it is not productional yet?

Training fails as the gradient of indrnn_cell_36/recurrent_scale:0 is of wrong shape:

grad shape: (512, 512) (but all but first row are zeros) weight shape: (512,)

sharvil commented 4 years ago

@amurashov thanks for the report. Looks like a bug in the tensor shape in my TensorFlow integration, which I've now fixed. IndRNN is at a functional stage, LayerNormIndRNN is usable but only performs layer norm on the inputs, not on the recurrent connection.

amurashov commented 4 years ago

Yes, appears fixed. Thanks!

bratao commented 4 years ago

@sharvil Thank you for your awesome work. This is pure gold!! Can we consider IndRNN as production ready?

sharvil commented 4 years ago

@bratao, IndRNN is complete and ready for prime-time use. I've kept this issue open to track the full LayerNormIndRNN implementation. That still needs some work which I haven't gotten around to yet.