lmorchard / blog.lmorchard.com

blog.lmorchard.com, a statically generated site
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Implement incremental upload to Amazon S3 #27

Closed lmorchard closed 2 years ago

lmorchard commented 2 years ago

The current deployment to AWS S3 appears to upload the entire blog every time. That's about 127MB+ of transfer. It's not huge, but really only the changed files need to be pushed up.

lmorchard commented 2 years ago

Seems like this is happening because S3 sync looks at modification date and file size. Since each fresh build of the site results in new dates, maybe the --size-only flag will do better for me here?

lmorchard commented 2 years ago

Insofar as I'll need to keep in mind that size-change is the sync key, this works!


Could be interesting to switch to a sync approach using hashes or ETag, but going to close this for now.