lmparppei / Beat

Beat - a simple and elegant screenwriting app for macOS
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Bug: Issue when exporting to Final Draft with omitted lines #111

Closed ftolsson closed 2 years ago

ftolsson commented 2 years ago

An observation:

Exporting the following text to FDX


This is a first line
/*this is an adjacent omitted line*/
This line is number three and super important.

will only appear in Final Draft as


This is a first line

It seems quite consistently to be the case that if an omission end does NOT have a blank line before next, the following line will not export to FDX.

(Interestingly, if leaving out the scene heading, no lines appear in Final Draft at all. If this is due to the export, or if Final Draft can't interpret text outside of scene, I'm less sure of.)

lmparppei commented 2 years ago

Fixed in 1.932