lmparppei / Beat

Beat - a simple and elegant screenwriting app for macOS
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1.92.2: API doesn't look for content in Sections #82

Closed ftolsson closed 2 years ago

ftolsson commented 2 years ago

It seems that in the latest version of Beat, Beat.outline() always reports every Section as having the length of one single line, the content of which is the section's title. Then, nothing more, even if there is indeed content below.

Practically, this means that for a section with notes, those notes will never be exposed by the API.

This is a change from previous versions where everything between a section and next outline element was content of that section, so here's hoping that's an involuntary change.

Screenshots below, hopefully clarifying what I mean.

1. Previous versions


2. Current (1.92.2)

lmparppei commented 2 years ago

This is caused by restructuring of the outline data. A human mistake, as I forgot that previously section objects could actually contain other stuff as well beside the section title. Easy to fix. Relevant code is found in OutlineScene.m, under - (NSInteger)length if anybody is interested looking into this before I return to development

ftolsson commented 2 years ago

I honestly hoped you wouldn't be looking here (and that you'd turned off notifications) until you were back. Keep winding down and taking care of yourself!

lmparppei commented 2 years ago

Fixed in 1.92.3