lmsace / eguru

Eguru - a free responsive moodle theme developed by LMSACE
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Unable to indent Activities or Resources on the eguru theme #11

Open jspohrer opened 5 years ago

jspohrer commented 5 years ago

We have installed the eguru theme on a Moodle 3.6 site, and we love it, but are frustrated because indenting only seems to work with Labels, not Activities or Resources. The menu options to Move Right and Move Left show up, but they only work on Labels. Indented Activities and Resources do show correctly when we switch to a other Moodle themes, but they show up as unindented again when we switch back to eguru. We've checked on multiple browsers, and the issues are the same for all.

neilmason47 commented 4 years ago

I have the EXACT same problem. It's now April 2020, so that means nothing done to fix this is almost a year? Wow?

Might have to drop this theme :(

andreklunk commented 4 years ago

I also have this problem! Will we not have a solution quickly? I use moodle 3.9