lmsace / enlightlite

Enlightlite - A free responsive moodle theme by LMSACE
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Navigation tray button does not have discernable text display #3

Open sestrauss opened 6 years ago

sestrauss commented 6 years ago


Thank you for this great theme. I ran it through the aXe accessibility checker (https://www.deque.com/products/aXe/) and found a number of issues. One key issue, marked as critical, is that the navigation tray button on the top right does not "have discernible text".

According to aXe:

Issue description

Ensures buttons have discernible text Impact: critical

Element location


Element source <button aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="nav-drawer" type="button" class="btn pull-xs-left m-r-1 btn-secondary" data-action="toggle-drawer" data-side="left" data-preference="drawer-open-nav" id="yui_3_17_2_1_1520625261252_364">