lmsqueezy / laravel

A package to easily integrate your Laravel application with Lemon Squeezy.
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customers table - lemon_squeezy_id is not nullable for trial without card #15

Closed sohaibilyas closed 1 year ago

sohaibilyas commented 1 year ago

I was trying to create 2 user account on trial without card using this method createAsCustomer() but got this error:

1062 Duplicate entry '' for key 'lemon_squeezy_customers.lemon_squeezy_customers_lemon_squeezy_id_unique

https://github.com/lmsqueezy/laravel/blob/main/database/migrations/2023_01_16_000001_create_customers_table.php#L15 here lemon_squeezy_id is unique and not nullable so it means we cant create 2 users on trial without card, or is it fine to just add random id!

driesvints commented 1 year ago

Thank you. I fixed this but a migration got changed so you might need to re-run those.