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Future request #8

Open PGTBoos opened 6 months ago

PGTBoos commented 6 months ago

An option to check multiple characters. to let them talk to eachother. I know agent systems do exist, but that installation is far from easy and often results in the most weird python errors. Since this app is allready so close to it, i think it would be easy to add.

For speed models may use the same LLM model, but it should also be possible to reload LLM's in between model converstations.

option to have ordered converstation (ea person A then B then C then D ) option to have a Discusion Leader option to have random replies.

I'm realy curious of how this could end

Also an extra bot that can lookup info on other sites (like wikipedia).

So smaller LLM's can be used with less fact knowledge (I assume that will be the future for a lot of LLM's to becomme small).