lmweber / diffcyt

R package for differential discovery analyses in high-dimensional cytometry data
MIT License
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diffcyt() contrasts , when comparing two out of 4 conditions in the data #12

Closed paulyashna closed 4 years ago

paulyashna commented 4 years ago

I have the following doubt over diffcyt() contrasts.

I have a daframe object from CATALYST; which I now want to input for differential abundance analysis. My "condition" field of daframe object has 4 conditions; out of which 3 conditions are several kinds of tumors and the last condition is control. I built a contrast (0,0,0,1); for differential analysis between all tumor combined and the control. However now I want a contrast between a particular tumor type and all the controls. I am aware each coefficient in the contrast should correspond to one of the condition; but I am not sure how to mention the particular contrast i want.

Since, diffcyt internally includes edgeR and limma steps I could individually for each cell population do the usual limma steps:

**design <- model.matrix(~condition) fit <- lmFit(eset, design) fit2 <- eBayes(fit) de_genes <- topTable(fit2)

edgeR set of commands

exprDesign <- model.matrix(~condition) propData <- DGEList(count_table, lib.size = colSums(count_table)) # BE VERY CAREFUL ABOUT YOUR lib.size parameter, this is the number of cells you collected. If you perform a hierarchical clustering (i.e. Citrus), your lib.size is not the sum of your columns.

fit <- estimateDisp(propData, design) # this is the first deviation from limma, estimating dispersion based on your design help accounts for the variability in cell counting fit <- glmQLFit(fit, design, robust=TRUE) # this is analogous to the lmFit step above...**

But is there a way I could do this with diffcyt?

Thanks for your time. I will be grateful if you could comment on this.

markrobinsonuzh commented 4 years ago

A few things: