lnetwalker / openMSR

Instrumentation,Control, Automation Tools like PLC and others
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get the ARM devel case up #80

Open lnetwalker opened 4 years ago

lnetwalker commented 4 years ago

setup the complet environment for the ARM Devel/Test case Systems: Banana Pi R1 - Router, OpenWRT, Setup nearly finished Banana Pi M3 - Debian Systen, no image yet Raspberry Pi - Debian System, no image yet Nano Pi Fire - Ubuntu, basic setup, needs improvements Nano Pi M2 - Ubunto, no setup yet

Internet uplink over the small LTE Router Device with Wifi

lnetwalker commented 4 years ago

must be done before ISSUE #17 to allow easy development and testing of the agents

lnetwalker commented 4 years ago

R1 needs NFS setup Pi needs setup M3 needs OS Image and setup M2 needs OS Image and setup LTE Setup for uplink

lnetwalker commented 4 years ago

get shared diskspace up and running

lnetwalker commented 4 years ago

regarding Banana Pi R1 aka lenobo I found the following links regarding OpenWRT: http://wiki.banana-pi.org/File:BPI-R1_front.png https://oldwiki.archive.openwrt.org/doc/howto/generic.sysupgrade https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/18.06.4/targets/sunxi/cortexa7/ https://openwrt.org/about/history