lneuhaus / pyrpl

pyrpl turns your RedPitaya into a powerful DSP device, especially suitable as a lockbox in quantum optics experiments.
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Bug in custom_lockbox_example calibrate() #422

Closed BobRengelink closed 3 years ago

BobRengelink commented 3 years ago

The custom lockbox model has a custom calibration function. Clicking the calibrate button in the GUI returns the error: "AttributeError: 'CustomInputClass' object has no attribute get_stats_from_curve".

This error can be traced to line 39 of pyrpl/software_modules/lockbox/models/custom_lockbox_example.py Another simple to fix error is in line 37 (sweep.acquire() returns a second object)

replacing lines 33 to 39 with the following fixes the problem

    def calibrate(self):
        """ This is a simplified calibration method. InputSignal.calibrate works better than this in most cases. """
        # get a curve of the signal during the sweep
        curve,_ = self.sweep_acquire()
        # fill self.mean, min, max, rms with values from acquired curve.

I would also suggest to move custom_lockbox_example.py to the pyrpl_user_dir/lockbox directory to facilitate lockbox design for non-developers

lneuhaus commented 3 years ago

Hi Bob, thanks for the feedback. This is a good suggestion, thanks. If you'd have time to create a PR with this change that would accelerate the integration into pyrpl a lot, otherwise I'll put this on my long todo-list. Thanks!

BobRengelink commented 3 years ago

I put up a pull request with the fix mentioned. I don't know how to edit the setup to add the code to the user_dir

lneuhaus commented 3 years ago

merged the fix