lneuhaus / pyrpl

pyrpl turns your RedPitaya into a powerful DSP device, especially suitable as a lockbox in quantum optics experiments.
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Can't us lockbox gui after source installation in conda env #480

Open jackschrott opened 1 year ago

jackschrott commented 1 year ago


I have tried installing pyrpl into a conda environment with the following:

$ conda create -y -n pyrpl-env numpy scipy paramiko pandas nose pip pyqt qtpy pyqtgraph pyyaml $ conda activate pyrpl-env $ pip install pyrpl

Then I tried running the gui as described in the documentation. I get the following

$ python -m pyrpl example_filename ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'quamash'

So I installed quamash

$ pip install quamash # could have used conda, but sticking to the "pip after conda" method

Now the gui launches, but the lockbox module which I am trying to use is blank and I get an error displayed: AttributeError: module 'qtpy.QtCore' has no attribute 'pyqtBoundSignal'. This was discussed in issues #467 and #469. I solved the issue by installing qtpy version 1.9.0:

$ pip install qtpy==1.9.0

Now when I launch the gui I get the output from the gui Screenshot from 2022-08-09 13-17-52 : There are phase and magnitude pop-out displays, but no other parts of the lockbox module display. If I close both the phase and magnitude pop-out windows I get another error: TypeError: setLogMode() got an unexpected keyword argument 'xMode' I am on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS. I have tried using the precompiled executable pyrpl-linux, but find it does not run on my system. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best, js