[x] Staging charts are currently referencing external domain (api.staging.flashapp.me) rather than the internal name (api.flash.svc.cluster.local). Not sure if this may cause adverse effects over time if it's not broken, don't fix it. We can open an issue if we find it's causing issues, otherwise we have higher priority items
[x] Point .well-known endpoint to flashapp.me to provide proper Lightning Addresses. Point staging to staging.flashapp.me, and ideally use a valid (production) certificate for integration testing with external wallets
Staging charts are currently referencing external domain (api.staging.flashapp.me) rather than the internal name (api.flash.svc.cluster.local). Not sure if this may cause adverse effects over timeif it's not broken, don't fix it. We can open an issue if we find it's causing issues, otherwise we have higher priority itemsflashapp.me
to provide proper Lightning Addresses. Point staging tostaging.flashapp.me
, and ideally use a valid (production) certificate for integration testing with external wallets