Since moving payments to Ibex, we are not currently checking user transaction limits ourselves, and therefore dependent on whatever checks Ibex is doing for us.
Assuming their validations work, we may want to update the UI based on their rules.
If we do want introduce limit checks ourselves, we'll either have to reintroduce Galoy's accounting system (i.e Medici) or rewrite the Galoy validation logic using queries to Ibex
Since moving payments to Ibex, we are not currently checking user transaction limits ourselves, and therefore dependent on whatever checks Ibex is doing for us.
Assuming their validations work, we may want to update the UI based on their rules.
If we do want introduce limit checks ourselves, we'll either have to reintroduce Galoy's accounting system (i.e Medici) or rewrite the Galoy validation logic using queries to Ibex