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Problem with flipflop architecture #1269

Open Nguyenthehuy1 opened 1 year ago

Nguyenthehuy1 commented 1 year ago

I have written my own flipflop architecture (it includes posedge clk - posedge reset - posedge set - active HIGH and posedge clk - posedge reset - posedge set - active LOW), I defined two modules in "openfpga_dff_sim.v" -> in the "ff_test_2.blif" file, I saw two architectures with the same name: “_DFFPPP”.

I wonder how open FPGA can understand that two flip-flop architecture.

tangxifan commented 1 year ago

@Nguyenthehuy1 If you see the DFF_PPP in your blif file. It means that Yosys failed to do technology mapping for some DFFs in your RTL design. I suggest to double check your dff mapping rules. For example:


Nguyenthehuy1 commented 1 year ago

Assume that " Yosys success to do technology mapping for some DFFs in my RTL design"DFF_PPP" is true and this process generate the name "DFF_PPP" (or other names), how can I distinguish two above flipflop architectures with the same name (DFF_PPP)?

tangxifan commented 1 year ago

@Nguyenthehuy1 I believe Yosys documentation provides detailed explanation. The DFF_PPP is an internal DFF type of Yosys. If tech map failed, Yosys just write out the internal FF. Then you see errors in VPR.