lnis-uofu / OpenFPGA

An Open-source FPGA IP Generator
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Power analysis report #1626

Open Gurusatwik opened 2 months ago

Gurusatwik commented 2 months ago

Do we get power analysis report after executing the command to generate fabric netlist?

In the task configuration file I have made power_analysis=true and I have also given the power tech file path as well. .act file is generated. Can I expect a power report? Will it be generated?

Bug was found in openfpga_flow/tasks/basic_tests/generate_fabric/

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task.conf file

  • OS:
    • [ ] Ubuntu 20.04
tangxifan commented 2 months ago

@Gurusatwik I do not have an existing example on the power analysis flow. But it is definitely doable if you try to enable --power option when calling VPR. Note that you need to provide signal activity files and power property files.

See the example here:

vpr <your options> --power --tech_properties <your_tech_prop_file> --activity_file ${ACTIVITY_FILE}

For more details, you may refer to https://docs.verilogtorouting.org/en/latest/vpr/command_line_usage/#power-estimation-options