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I have some problem about running fpga flow. #47

Closed colleen-rin closed 4 years ago

colleen-rin commented 4 years ago

I try to use python3 to run openfpga flow, but there are some error which I can't fix:

lab601@lab601-VirtualBox:~/Desktop/OpenFPGA-master/openfpga_flow/scripts/test$ python3 ../run_fpga_flow.py k6_N10_sram_chain_HC_template.xml alu4.v INFO - Validating commnad line arguments INFO - Run directory : /home/lab601/Desktop/OpenFPGA-master/tmp INFO - Running "yosys_vpr" Flow INFO - Extracted lut_size size from arch XML = 6 INFO - Running Yosys with lut_size = 6 ERROR - Failed to run yosys Traceback (most recent call last): File "../run_fpga_flow.py", line 454, in run_yosys_with_abc File "/usr/lib/python3.6/subprocess.py", line 438, in run output=stdout, stderr=stderr) subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/home/lab601/Desktop/OpenFPGA-master/yosys/yosys', 'yosys.ys']' returned non-zero exit status 1. ERROR - Current working directory : /home/lab601/Desktop/OpenFPGA-master/tmp ERROR - ERROR - Exiting . . . . . .

I don't know what's wrong about yosys. If anyone can express their idea, I would appreciate it !

tangxifan commented 4 years ago

Hi, Can you provide us the detailed log file generated by yosys? Instead of run_fpga_flow.py, I would suggest to use run_fpga_task.py which executes the run_fpga_flow.py in batch and has a nice user interface. Both scripts have been documented in our documentation https://openfpga.readthedocs.io/en/master/ And run_fpga_task.py is actually deployed in our continuous integration scripts https://github.com/LNIS-Projects/OpenFPGA/blob/0cfb88a49f152aab0a06f309ff160f222bb51ed7/.travis/script.sh#L22.

Best regards, Xifan Tang

colleen-rin commented 4 years ago

Hi, thanks for your response! There are two log files of yosys after executing run_fpga_flow.py, one is yosys_output.txt, another is yosys.ys. yosys_output.txt is a empty file, and the content of yosys.ys is following:


And I also try to excute run_fpga_task.py using same benchmark (alu4.v) and same architecture (k6_N10_sram_chain_HC_template.xml). This time, yosys didn't have error messages, but vpr had a error message, which is ERROR(1): Net #9 (o_0_) has no driver and will cause memory corruption. . I don't what's it meaning, and how to solve it. This is content of the log file after executing run_fpga_task.py :


And this is content of vpr_stdout.log :


tangxifan commented 4 years ago

Hello, Thank you for the information. I looked into the report and I believe that the problem comes from that yosys version 0.9 produces some dangling nets that vpr7 cannot handle yet. As we are actively integrating to vpr8 and this problem should be solved very soon. For the current being, would you like to try yosys version 0.8 https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys/releases. You just replace the yosys directory in OpenFPGA and that should solve your problem. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Best regards, Xifan Tang

colleen-rin commented 4 years ago

Thank you. I tried to replace the directory of yosys version 0.8 in OpenFPGA and rebuilded the whole codes. OpenFPGA was builded successfully, but I used benchmark alu4.v to execute run_fpga_task.py, it still had the same error which said ERROR(1): Net #9 (o_0_) has no driver and will cause memory corruption.. I also tried another benchmark circuit diffeq.v, it still had a kindred error. Therefore, I tried to use yosys version 0.7 and replace it in OpenFPGA, but the result of building OpenFPGA was failed. I guess the reason is because the version of adc is too new for yosys 0.7, maybe? This is error message when I tried to build OpenFPGA which had yosys 0.7:


tangxifan commented 4 years ago

Hello, Can you tell me which alu4 you were trying? The one I am always using does not have a net o_9_. https://github.com/LNIS-Projects/OpenFPGA/blob/master/openfpga_flow/benchmarks/mcnc_big20/alu4/alu4.v

Best regards,
Xifan Tang
colleen-rin commented 4 years ago

Hi, The error which I had was at the net o_0_, not o_9_. I totally tried three groups of the FPGA xml files and the benchmark verilog files, but they all had the same errors at the net o_0_. Those groups are:

1. FPGA arch: https://github.com/LNIS-Projects/OpenFPGA/blob/master/openfpga_flow/arch/template/k6_N10_sram_chain_HC_template.xml Benchmark: https://github.com/LNIS-Projects/OpenFPGA/blob/master/openfpga_flow/benchmarks/mcnc_big20/alu4/alu4.v

2. FPGA arch: https://github.com/LNIS-Projects/OpenFPGA/blob/master/openfpga_flow/arch/template/k6_N10_sram_chain_HC_template.xml Benchmark: https://github.com/LNIS-Projects/OpenFPGA/blob/master/openfpga_flow/benchmarks/MCNC_Verilog/alu4/alu4.v

3. FPGA arch: https://github.com/LNIS-Projects/OpenFPGA/blob/master/fpga_flow/arch/template/k6_N10_sram_chain_HC_template.xml Benchmark: https://github.com/LNIS-Projects/OpenFPGA/blob/master/fpga_flow/benchmarks/Verilog/MCNC/alu4/alu4.v

tangxifan commented 4 years ago

Hello, Sorry. I messed up the net name. It is supposed to a logic synthesis problem. Trying different architecture files will not help. My understanding is that the Yosys script has not cleaned-up the netlist enough.

Here are two possible solutions:

colleen-rin commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your advice! I'm not sure how to modify the netlist which yosys generate, so I try to use it running VPR8. I executed VPR8 with alu4.blif yosys9 generated and k6_N10_40nm.xml VPR8 provided, and the result was successful. I also tried to modify a xml file OpenFPGA provided to use in VPR8, and thing wasn't going well. But I think the error problem may be solved if the version of VPR is the latest.

tangxifan commented 4 years ago

Hello, Modifying the .blif netlist is not difficult. You can open the .blif netlist and search the net o_0_. If it is a dangling net, you should only see one matched result. Remove it and you should be good when running VPR. Our VPR8 version is still under test. If you still prefer trying VPR8, we can talk offline.

colleen-rin commented 4 years ago

Hi, I tried to modify alu4.blif which had the net error, but I found that the net o_0_ didn't seem to be a dangling net. Following file is alu4.blif which isn't revised:


In the .blif file which yosys generates, when a sentence change to the next line, the file will write a \ in the end of the sentence. I deleted all of the space characters which followed the \ characters, reruned VPR, and the result was successful! So, if modify the code writing the .blif files which are converted from the .v files, the net error should be solved.

tangxifan commented 4 years ago

Hello, Glad to know that the bug has been spotted. I believe this is a bug in Yosys BLIF writer. More than you fixed in your repository, I would suggest you create a pull request on Yosys repository as well. https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys