lnis-uofu / SOFA

SOFA (Skywater Opensource FPGAs) based on Skywater 130nm PDK and OpenFPGA
MIT License
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Git repo mismatch while installing caravel. Issue with open_pdks #133

Open nandithaec opened 2 years ago

nandithaec commented 2 years ago

Hi all, I had installed caravel a week ago using the guidelines at this link https://github.com/efabless/caravel_user_project/ and it worked fine. I am trying to install it on another machine now and the make user_proj_example does not work. I have tried it on 2 to 3 machines since yesterday and all of them fail. There seems to be a git commit mismatch between what it is fetching and what it is looking for

make user_proj_example
[INFO]: Version: 2021.11.23_01.42.34
[WARNING]: The version of open_pdks installed does not match the one required by the OpenLane flow scripts (installed: 89f6ff4d9359a1ef9717b839e3e59dfdf33aaea6, expected: c5730b574461889c82858b08d12ba42423d9c2cb)
You may want to re-install the PDK by invoking `make pdk`.
[WARNING]: OpenLane may not function properly.

We have re-done make pdk several times. Although the above is a warning, after going till step 31: Executing Verilog backend, it throws the following error:

[ERROR]: during executing: "openroad -exit /openlane/scripts/openroad/sta.tcl |& tee >&@stdout /home/iiitb/Documents/shivani/caravel_user_project/openlane/user_proj_example/runs/user_proj_example/logs/synthesis/1-opensta"
[ERROR]: Exit code: 1
[ERROR]: Last 10 lines:
child killed: segmentation violation

We are having trouble getting this simple counter example to work and we have tried everything step by step multiple times. Can someone help? [Note that the installation I did about 7 days ago on another machine works, and does not show up the warnings and errors that are showing up now.] Has the openlane repo been updated in the last few days, which is causing this error?

tangxifan commented 2 years ago

@nandithaec I think it is due to that the openpdk version used in SOFA project is too low. We did the tape-out in Dec. 2020. By that time, we are using an early openpdk version. Actually, we do not rely on a specific version of openpdk if you want to run some experiments. If you want to reproduce the SOFA layouts, we may have problems when upgrading PDK.