lnishan / awesome-competitive-programming

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Temporarily not adding HackerEarth #6

Closed lnishan closed 8 years ago

lnishan commented 8 years ago

Tutorials from HackerEarth.

The tutorials on this site are inconsistent in terms of quality with most of them being short and code-based. It feels as if they are for somebody who has learned that particular algorithm or data structure already.
For this reason, I will not be referencing this site until some QA works have been put forth.

babhishek21 commented 8 years ago

I feel that tutorials from HackerEarth are great resources. When you need a quick reference its right there. Moreover they have a great platform called CodeMonk which has short notes on important concepts and then a whole suite of practice questions with good editorials. (I started my ICPC prep from it) Adding it should be harmless, if not immediately beneficial.

lnishan commented 8 years ago

Hello. Thanks for the comment.
I just checked CodeMonk and the system and the attached tutorial notes look really, really decent. I'll definitely add that later.

I'm still not quite sure about the tutorials (follow this link). Examples:

lnishan commented 8 years ago

I've added Code Monk and the Notes section on HackerEarth.

Thanks for the feedback!